Do you know if there is any support for precompiling javascripts using literals and other improvements to ES6?
I wanted to start using projects rails ES6 but when I precompile in production it fails me.
I try to do:
puts a.to_s(2)
But it does not work
Any suggestions please, since I do not even know the name of the digits that go after the point I know by decimals but I do not think that is the case
I am automating some emails in my application with the gem delayed_job . Well, when I do rake jobs:work and the job is executed, I get the following error:
Job Delayed :: PerformableMethod (id = 10) FAILED permanently with
I have this little problem in Ruby, I have an api with this response:
response: [
waspurchase: 1,
purchase_data: {
gateway: "plazavipgate",
gateway_data: {
I would like to know how to generate a form in Rails so that I can upload files without problems, I have read several tutorials, but it still costs me a bit to do it.
class ContratosController < ApplicationController
I have a table called credential , which has several attributes but I'm only interested in taking the id attribute, but I want to do it with an activejob . In the activejob they told me that I could get the data with:
class Get...
I have this problem, I've tried a few solutions offered by San Google but I have not got to the point. The machine is a i7 with Windows 7 32b , and with ruby 2.3.3 and rails 5.1.2 . I will be very grateful for your help.
It is a detail teacher the father meetings the child is details_reuniones, details_reuniones, details_reuniones has association with product.
In this form there is autocomplete and select.
is a nested form does not work is to add more product...
Hi, I'm doing a form and it requires an autocomplete and selects but in the paths; When I'm going to save, I get an error.
the screen pulls an error remains in validation.
I put the Log
My code:
I'm going to upload a Rails project to Heroku so the project is in Postgres but when I try it in development (Not in production) I get this error:
PG :: ConnectionBad
fe_sendauth: no password supplied
In my database file I have it like this:...