Questions tagged as 'spring-security'


I can not inject BCryptEncoder in linux but in windows

my spring mvc / security project can not initialize because there is a problem with the BCryptEncoder: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [
asked by 24.11.2016 / 12:22

Request method 'POST' not supported

I'm trying to redirect to another page but by putting the name of the value of the RequestMapping and raising the system I get an error of "Request method 'POST' not supported". Main Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/", meth...
asked by 01.02.2017 / 15:13

Error running a project with tomcat 8

When I try to raise my project and put the address localhost: 8080 / SpringSep I get the following error. This is what it gives in the log feb 06, 2017 9:02:42 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin ADV...
asked by 06.02.2017 / 16:06

Spring 4 - Apache POI - Security: Error 403 when generating Excel spreadsheet

I'm in a project with Spring MVC 4, and I need to generate an Excel with a set of data on the screen. For this I use Apache POI to make the generation integrating it with Spring. However, when the file download runs, I get a 403 error. The appli...
asked by 13.12.2016 / 21:25

Is it possible to login with JWT the password in Spring Security?

I have a login as follows: Spring-security.xml <security:http pattern="/login" security="none" /> <security:intercept-url pattern="/login" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY" /> <security:fo...
asked by 24.12.2018 / 22:12

Help with Spring Security - Request method 'POST' not supported and how to remove window by default?

I have two problems in one, I do not know if it's okay to post the two together but I think they have a relationship with each other so there it goes: I'm trying to apply Spring Security to my project. The first thing I did was add these d...
asked by 14.12.2018 / 17:30

Error Login spring boot

Hello, I am implementing a login with spring segurity. But I stop working even with new users. This is the configuration I am using. SecurityConfiguration @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecuri...
asked by 22.08.2018 / 20:50

How to use roles in Spring Security without burning them in code?

One doubt, I am using Spring boot and Spring Security but if I want to assign roles to my users I have to write the following note in each microservice: @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ADMIN')") I've also seen it in the WebConfig but it's a bi...
asked by 23.07.2018 / 19:56

I need to get the MAC from a client in a web project to authenticate it with the info in my database, is there any way to do it?

Most of the information I have found says that it can not be because it is too low to obtain it from the client.     
asked by 07.07.2018 / 15:20

Login in Spring Security 5 with Extjs App 6

I am developing an application in ExtJs 6.5 with spring security 5. I have a login form with the user and password fields. In the submit function of the same send the data to the server localhost: 8080 / login / j_spring_security_check. The firs...
asked by 19.06.2018 / 18:18