Hello, I am creating an application in which the user uploads a photo from their phone to a Database so that other users can see it. I used SQL Server as a database, and the image that is uploaded to the database is converted into Base64.enco...
I am making an application to be able to see files in a pdf viewer or imageView depending on the type of file.
I get the files using the library jtds 1.3.0 from SQL Server 2012, from a field of type varbinary(max) that contains the bin...
I would like to know what I am doing wrong, I have consulted with inner joins that should show 11 records and only show me 10, the tenth record is skipped, I do not know if I am doing wrong join or I have passed some field, I attach images and m...
I have this code where I open the SQL SERVER connection but I need to close it ... does anyone know how to do it?
router.post('/api/v1/Login', jsonParser, function(req, res){
return res.sendStatus(400)
I have installed in my computer visual studio community 2017 and I want to do some tests integrating some softwares that I have been developing for some activities of the university where I study with a database sql server express 2012, because...
hello good morning I have the following problem
I need to get the difference between two fields. These fields I have to add the total of all their values and then do the subtraction BUT I THROW ANY RESULT ONCE MADE THE REST
Hello, I need help with this topic, in the work they have left me a project, to enter users through an excel file and that by selecting a user already registered in the database all their permissions pass to the new users, my problem is when I w...
I have a code in Android Studio that should send data to SQL Server:
connection= con.connectBD(getActivity());
ps=connection.prepareStatement("exec addLocal ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?");
Dear ones have a good day, my question is as follows.
I want to join the results of two queries that coincide in columns and data type, as a first option I came up with a UNION, my first query is the following:
SELECT T1.ArrivalDate AS...