Questions tagged as 'sql-server'


Subtract in PM and AM format in Sql Server 2008

Thank you in advance. I'm going around trying to subtract PM from AM The difference of format AM to PM the result is correct; however when rest of PM to AM the result is not the expected one The insertion in the BD I do it this wa...
asked by 22.06.2017 / 00:24

Error in Sql-Server when executing a stored procedure

I have 3 parameters that a procedure receives, how do I pass the values for the variables err_buff and ret_code ?, as null ?, I mark the errors of invalid number of parameters PROCEDURE XX7E_EXT_FAC(err_buf OUT VARCHAR2,ret_code OUT NUMBER, P_...
asked by 21.06.2017 / 19:39

Error connecting to the database using PDO

I am trying to connect my web with a sql-server database (use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio). I have entered the database using SQL Server Authentication using username and password that I already had created. To expose my problem we...
asked by 14.06.2017 / 23:42

COMBOBOX: Unidentified object error or variable with not established

I have a form that when starting must fill certain ComboBox, I have problems with some in particular, which are filled from a function that invokes data from SQL SERVER. The issue is that when I put the Call llenarInstrumentos(cmbCVinstr)...
asked by 30.06.2017 / 20:18

Update inventory

I have a stored procedure to update the existence of my inventory. This is the code in SQL : ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_ActualizaInventario] @cantidad INT ,@Producto INT ,@Tipo INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @Existencia INT SET @Existencia = (SE...
asked by 13.06.2017 / 01:30

Error inserting records in a temporary table of a remote query of a Store Procedure

I'm working on SQL Server 2008, and the problem I have is that I can not (I do not know if it's really possible) to insert records from a query from a Store Procedure from another server: declare @DRIVER Table (drive char(1), FreeMB int) I...
asked by 13.06.2017 / 23:18

Error saving fields in a form

I have a form made in MVC ASP.NET, using Entity framework for persistence. I try to save the data, but when I click save, Visual Studio throws me an exception in the line ctx.Empleado.Add(em); of the Create action. Then when I click conti...
asked by 30.05.2017 / 18:32

Query linq to get the rows with the oldest date in a data set

ID (self-generated number) IDFK (self-generated number) but can be repeated DATE (TO DATE) ... ID IDFK FECHA 1 1 1/1/1999 2 1 1/2/1999 3 2 1/3/1999 4 3 1/2/1999 5 4 1/5/1999 6 4 1/3/1999 7 1 1/4/1999 Ok, think that the highest ID do...
asked by 29.05.2017 / 20:32

Unwanted value when printing the value of a JComboBox in a JTable - Java

I have a Jtable ( tbDocSolicitud ) that is filled with information from the database Sql Server 2008 R2 . It has 10 columns and in the first column there is a CheckBox and in the second column there is a ComboBox that i...
asked by 19.05.2017 / 17:19

How do I return a 0 on the DNI and call it the anonymous block?

GETS_ALUMNO : function that returns the student's data from his ID (if it does not exist, he must return value 0 in the ID). CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION OBTIENE_ALUMNO (V_DNI IN ALUMNOS.DNI%TYPE) RETURN ALUMNOS%ROWTYPE IS V_ALUMNO ALUMNOS%...
asked by 28.05.2017 / 19:23