Good day to all, I want to convert this data 14 de Febrero 1986 in sql to datetime , but%% of%
It does not convert it.
Is there any way to convert it?
I have the following string: Un texto cualquiera 22/12/2016 fin texto
I'm trying to get the position of 22/12/2016 with the PATINDEX function:
SELECT PATINDEX('__/__/____', 'Un texto cualquiera 22/12/2016 fin texto');...
I have a question about how I can make queries in SQL Server with hours fields.
I have a column called hora_inicio_prestamo and another hora_fin_prestamo , both of type time(0) , I also have a column called Estado_presta...
Today I have an optimization question, my boss wants me to save 60,000 records in the shortest possible time. For this I have made a query that takes information from a .csv file and I put it on a temporary basis, from which I make a small fil...
I have a table Peticiones whose design is:
NPeticion - nvarchar
FechaApertura - date
TipoPeticion - nvarchar
FechaResolucion - nvarchar
(más campos, irrelevantes para este asunto)
The question is that I try to make a q...
I want to know if there is any way to insert data in a database that is in SQL Server without having any of the versions of this installed or have Visual Studio installed e my team.
These are the data I have:
server = tcp: "Link to...
In SQL Server, it is possible to make a INSERT INTO to a table using a SELECT :
INSERT INTO tabla (col, col2, col3)
SELECT col, col2, col3 FROM otra_tabla WHERE sql = 'ok'
Is this also possible for a UPDATE ? I have a...
I am a SQL beginner and I am creating a table, my doubt is that I have defined my start time and end time as VARCHAR2 to enter a time, which correspond to some classes (of a gym), that it would be more correct to create it with some type time...
I have seen two syntaxes when calling stored procedures that receive parameters in laravel, both work perfectly:
//Concatenando parametro
DB::select('exec Miprocedimiento "'.$parametro.'"');
//Utilizando ?
DB::select('exec Miprocedimiento...
I want to be able to put together my dynamic menu with the following data structure:
The menu is restricted by user roles.
To my table menu, I have added a column id_menu_padre to be able to build the structure type "tree" that my menu sho...