I am working on a system with 15 concurrent processes that perform several operations against a SQL SERVER database, the versions can go from 2005 to 2014.
Each process has its particular data in several tables, no process queries / deletes / up...
I have the following query that I get with this query:
Select Año, Tip, Est, t1, t2, t3 From Tabla1
Año Tip Est Zo t1 t2 t3
2003 1 A 6 12 14 17
2003 1 A 7 12 15 18
2003 1 A 8 13 16 19...
I'm working on a Oracle SQL Express 11g code. So far I have these two tables:
nombre VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL,
ubicacion VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL
I have 2 tables.
The first returns the order number and the two-state times
Pedido TiempoPreparar TiempoAsignar
P001 10 9
P002 20 5
I am working on a report that shows the results of an SQL query in an HTML table
I can get the data very easy with PHP
$link=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname','user','pass',array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));...
Good afternoon, I hope you are well.
I have a problem with a SQL query that paints to be simple but I think it is not, I have the following table with this information:
id pais sexo
== ======== ====
1 Venezuela F
2 Venezuela F
3 Venez...
I have a database in which the packages of some clients are stored and the date of creation of said package.
I need to check out how many packages a client makes each day in a month.
I've tried with
SELECT distinct fecha_creacion FROM paque...
Good day to all, I want to convert this data 14 de Febrero 1986 in sql to datetime , but%% of%
It does not convert it.
Is there any way to convert it?