Questions tagged as 'telerik'


How to change a telerik: RadMenu to a one .NET component?

I'm trying to change a menu made in Telerik to .NET components. I leave you an example of code. <div id="MenuBody" style="float: left; width: 15%; height: 210px;"> <%-- <telerik:RadMenu ID="RadMenu1" runat="server" Flow...
asked by 05.11.2018 / 20:47

Project does not want to recognize references to Telerik

I explain my situation hoping someone can help me get out of the problem, thanks in advance for your attention and support: Compiling an already developed solution tells me the error message    "Could not find the type or namespace name 'T...
asked by 20.06.2018 / 22:43

date changed when exporting kendoGrid to excel

I have a kendoGrid table, with a date field, that shows it correctly on the screen, but when exporting it to excel it changes the value by subtracting it one day and I do not know how to solve it. You can try the code in the following r...
asked by 03.07.2018 / 20:03

select the row when activating checkbox kendo grid

Hi, I would like to know how to select the row to which the activated checkbox belongs to kendo UI grid grid code: @(Html.Kendo().Grid<Ttraslados.ViewModels.ServiciosViewModel>() .Name("grid")...
asked by 16.05.2018 / 19:44

Configure the value of the checkbox in a header template of a telerik radgrid

I'm trying to set the value checked of a checkbox that is inside a header template but it does not work. This header is in the DetailTable of a RadGrid of Telerik This is my code of how I'm passing the value to t...
asked by 08.05.2018 / 22:18

Start on the first page, Listview de Telerik

I am using the Listview control of Telerik for MVC, on my page I have a Dropdown where the user can select a value, and depending on the selected value is the information that is consulted and displayed in the Listview. If a query returns a l...
asked by 16.02.2018 / 17:55

Oracle Entity Framework problems with operator like

In one of our projects with MVC, Oracle and Telerik Kendo we have a problem with searches since they are differentiating between uppercase, lowercase and accents. We create a trigger in the DB so that after the start of stable session...
asked by 12.02.2018 / 21:38

Can you group the elements of the legend in kendoChart with JQuery?

Greetings, I would need to group the elements of a Kendochart series, so that they are separated as follows: Group title 1 : Series 1. Series 2. Group title 2 : Series 3. Series 4. I tried to do it with a template in the label as fol...
asked by 22.12.2017 / 08:55

Screen of Congela with Telerik RadGrid

Greetings to all. I am using Telerik 2010 in VB.Net, in a web application, when I load the RadGrid with data, it loads the grid but freezes the screen, emitting the following error: "Local Host does not respond due to a prolonged execution scrip...
asked by 08.07.2017 / 20:21

Telerik ajax Load Combobox in Cascade without PostBack

Good morning! I am using the telerik controls and I would like to know if there is any possibility of loading a cascaded combobox without having the postback effect, I mean, I do not want to see the effect of reloading the form since it looks ve...
asked by 13.01.2017 / 10:20