Questions tagged as 'ubuntu'


Django-Login administrative interface with SSH

Although there is a Django package to do a two-factor authentication: Django Two-Factor Authentication I do not like having to depend on a mobile device to receive a code, so I consider using SSH using PuTTY by adding a command that can...
asked by 12.06.2018 / 14:17

How to download my note from from the terminal?

I need to download my notes from the terminal Example: wget link and have my note in a file only the content of the note minota.txt     
asked by 09.05.2018 / 04:47

Is the correct sources.list?

Hola buenas. I just installed Ubuntu 18.04 and doing a apt-get update I get the following: Ign:1 stable InRelease Ign:2 bionic InRelea...
asked by 05.05.2018 / 20:36

Can not be downloaded with yum on Ubuntu

I try to follow this tutorial to create my first chatbot. However, there is a moment when you ask me to use yum to install a yum group, which is a predefined package of software that can be installed at once, instead of having to instal...
asked by 08.05.2018 / 00:28

How to use DNS in Ubuntu to access localhost remotely and online

I have a server with ubuntu in which I have several pages mounted, I can access them locally or through the internet with the public ip, but I can not do it in the 2 forms simultaneously, I would like to know if using DNS this can be done resolv...
asked by 27.07.2018 / 20:40

MongoError: could not connect to the server [localhost: 27017]

When I write on the command line mongo return me this error: MongoDB shell version v3.4.10 connecting to: mongodb:// 2018-05-01T11:42:17.843+0200 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to, in(checking socket fo...
asked by 01.05.2018 / 11:47

Problem when opening android studio projects in ubuntu

Previously I used Windows 10 but I happened to Ubuntu , the problem is that when I opened the android studio projects I did in Windows 10 it takes too long, I do not know if it's normal because it's unzipping or I need to download or conf...
asked by 23.04.2018 / 20:37

problem loading kubernetes

   The connection to the server localhost: 8080 was refused - did you   specify the right host or port? I have changed the path to mount a local server in ubuntu 16.04 , after shutting it down it fails to restart.     
asked by 17.04.2018 / 00:34

DNS Server, Ubuntu and Webmin

I have been working on DNS server, with ubuntu server, bind9, my public ip and my domain. I finish configuring the zone and everything in the webmin, and it does not return errors, the problem is that after doing nslookup in the cmd it does not...
asked by 08.04.2018 / 15:46

Configure Apache2.4-MapServer-Pmapper

Well I'm new to the forum, I'll tell you, I have a server with Ubuntu 14.04 to which I installed Apache 2.4, PHP5.5, Mapserver 6.4 until here everything works fine and it did not give me any problem, the problem came when I installed pmapper, pr...
asked by 05.04.2018 / 13:05