Questions tagged as 'video'


upload an external video to my website as its own link

I hope I can explain what I want since I am not a programmer, from an external page I take a mp4 video eg web1 / video.mp4, what I want is how to load the video as if it were my own / video.mp4. I do this to make a video list and share in iptv....
asked by 04.12.2018 / 23:39

Open the site to the public for free in PHP?

I work on a streaming video platform with the CMS called VideoFlix, I'm new to PHP and I hope to have your support to open the site to the general public. The system works very similar to Netflix, you register, you pay through Paypal and you...
asked by 19.11.2018 / 02:22

post Video Using Alamofire, error in the headers

I try to upload a video using Alamofire with its upload method - > multipartFormData, but I get an error 401, for the headers, it is assumed that the headers only ask me - > form-data and a token, I have it this way: func head...
asked by 03.10.2018 / 00:59

Is it possible to send the streaming of the webRTC licode to a TV with Chromecast?

I'm working with Licode and the video call is going well. Now I would like to be able to transmit the video call to my tv with the help of a Chromecast. Something like what youtube does for example, where the transmit icon appears and when press...
asked by 24.07.2018 / 20:05

How do I play a .mpd video located in nginx?

I'm new to nginx, I've been trying to incorporate live streams into my project developed on MVC. For this I have used OBStudio and nginx. I have installed nginx following this tutorial in a machine with Ubuntu server. Then I added the...
asked by 13.06.2018 / 23:09

bringtofront () for android videoviews

I'm using bringtofront () for videos but it does not work, however if I use it for images if it works, will anyone have any solution ..? public void bringit(){ VideoView vid = new VideoView(this); //ImageView vid = new ImageVie...
asked by 20.06.2018 / 03:11

Why does player.playlist tell me not to function when implementing a plugin in video.js?

Currently I want to implement the library of video.js in a project and to that same library add unplugin so that it makes lists of reproductions of several videos, but when implementing everything it marks me the following: player.playlist is...
asked by 26.05.2018 / 17:56

How to generate a video of several video clip conffmpeg

I am trying to generate a video that contains a series of videos, for this I use ffmpeg with php, this executes it well when it comes to doing simple tests, but when doing what I really need, it does not, here what I'm doing: Php code: <...
asked by 09.05.2018 / 05:35

You can mount a file in cache with php

I'm doing a project in which I have to upload a video series, which when looking for the file is delayed in the video change from video A to video B, this generates a blank, the idea that I have is try if it is possible to mount the list (I mean...
asked by 08.05.2018 / 03:36

You can generate a video with audio and videos clip with ffmpeg

I'm making an application in which I have to generate a single video clip of a duration video, I was recommended to use the ffmpeg but I do not know if it could be created and if possible how the structure would be, since I have understood that...
asked by 08.05.2018 / 22:34