I'm working with WPF, Visual Studio 2015
I have a main view that is my home view, in which a TabControl and its respective TabItem fall at run time.
In the TabItem at the moment of activating them (click) calls its respective UserContro...
I'm working with WPF, Visual Studio 2015.
The problem I have is the following I have a TabControl with tabItems, in a tabitem I added a label control without problems but when I add another label it gives me the following message: "The conte...
I am developing an app in xamarin forms and I am doing my views in a programmatic way. My question is: In terms of optimization which of the two options is better to use?
Thank you.
to see if they could help me.
I have two TextBox each in a different class, and I need that what is written in one is shown in the other.
The one that should receive the data, I have it in xaml:
<TextBox x:Name="mTxtPuntosLocal" Text="{B...
Someone has modified the value of the title in WPF , I want to show a value in this space.
Title="text" + key
This is the one I currently have, I would like to be able to concatenate them with another variable that I have in a [key] of...
I try to change the background color in TabControl but I do not want to change the color of the tab;
I use the following resource;
<Style TargetType="TabItem">
<Setter Property="Template">...
What happens is that I have a Datagris and I wanted to load it dynamically in a Page, like this example
<GridView ItemsSource="{x:Bind Items}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ImageOverlayTemplate}"
I have the following code;
<Image Source="C:\Users\Casa PC\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\PcS7\PcS7\Icons\info.png" Height="22" Margin="0,0,0,2">
I have created a class, which inherits from TextBox, I try to use in XAML with the consequent error;
However, the class is already in the root namespace of the project;
namespace PcS7
public class CajaTexto : TextBox
Continuing with the solution of Problem of bindig in WPF with MVVM , in which I already got the DALs answered ( MOCData , EFData , AdoNetData and XMLData ), now I try to be able to change the ListView of MainW...