Get height and width of an image before loading it with Javascript


No jQuery or similar

The href that are stored in the link variable are images that are not found in the DOM

I want to save the values of the height and width of X number of images of different proportions with a for cycle, but the way I am doing it does not work (it generates zeros) since the image has not finished loading. This is what I wear:

var img = document.getElementsByClassName('post-image');
var link, w, h;

var margenes = [];

for(var i = 0; i < img.length; i++){
    // La url de la imagen
    link = img[i].parentElement.href;

    // Agregar <img src="link"> al DOM, esto va dentro de un <div>
    document.getElementById('thread').insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<div id="lightbox"><img id="lightbox-img" src="' + link + '"></div>');

    // Obtener los valores de alto y ancho
    var lightboxImg = document.getElementById('lightbox-img');
    w = lightboxImg.width;
    h = lightboxImg.height;

    // Guardar una cadena de texto en el arreglo con los datos de alto y ancho
    margenes.push("-" + h/2 + "px 0px 0px -" + w/2 + "px");


    // Eliminar la imagen del DOM

The line


I generate -0px 0px 0px -0px

I want to save everything in the margins array because I use that string afterwards to add CSS. If there is a way to store in the h and w variables the height and width values before loading the image or in any other way that does not require the image to be DOM I ask you to let me know.

asked by akko 17.05.2017 в 08:16

2 answers


Try the getBoundingClientRect () function, which returns the position and size of an HTML element. For example:

let images = document.querySelectorAll('.post-images');

for (let image of images) {
  let imageSize = image.getBoundingClientRect();
  console.log('width: ${imageSize.width}, height: ${imageSize.height}');
answered by 17.05.2017 в 09:30

window.onload = function {...} What it does is first load the page and then execute the function. Within this you will have to put the for . If this still does not work the code to follow is the following:

window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
var elBrowse = document.getElementById("browse"),
  elPreview = document.getElementById("preview"),
  useBlob = false && window.URL; // Set to 'true' to use Blob instead of Data-URL

// 2.
function readImage() {

  // Creauna nueva instancia de FileReader 
  var reader = new FileReader();
  var file = document.getElementById('browse').files[0];

  // Una vez ya ha sido leído:
  reader.addEventListener("load", function() {

    // En este punto 'reader.result' contiene Base64 Data-URL
    // y podriamos mostrar inmediatamente la imagen usando
    // 'elPreview.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<img src='"+ reader.result +"'>");'
    // Pero buscamos el ancho y el alto de la imagen en px
    // Como el archivo Objeto no contiene el tamaño de la imagen
    // Necesitamos crear una nueva imagen y asignar su src asi que
    // cuando la image este cargada podemos calcular el alto y ancho de esta
    var image = new Image();
    image.src = reader.result;
    image.addEventListener("load", function() {

      // Concatenatar nuestro HTML image info 
      var imageInfo = + ' ' + // Obtener el valor del 'name' desde el archivo obj
        image.width + '×' + // Obtener el ancho de nuestra imagen
        image.height + ' ' +
        file.type + ' ' +
        Math.round(file.size / 1024) + 'KB';

      // Finally append our created image and the HTML info string to our '#preview' 
      elPreview.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", imageInfo + '<br>');


#preview img {
  height: 100px;
<input id="browse" type="file" multiple onchange="readImage()">
<div id="preview"></div>
answered by 17.05.2017 в 08:29