I have a foreach where several forms are generated and for each one there is a modify button, I want to give that button modify to take the input name="txtdireccion_mac" that belongs to it.
--- HTML
@foreach($datos_usuario as $value)
<form action="Borrar_mac" id="idformac_usu" name="formac_usu" method="POST" >
{!! csrf_field(); !!}
<td><input type="text" name="txtdireccion_mac" readonly="readonly" value="{!! $value->Direccion_mac !!}"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txt_descripcion" readonly="readonly" value="{!! $value->Descripcion !!}" ></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtfecha" readonly="readonly" value=" {!! $value->Fecha !!} " ></td>
<td><input type="button" name="modificar" onclick="cambiarMac(this)" value="Modificar Mac" ></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="btn_borrar" value="Borrar Mac"></td>
<div id='formulario_cambio_mac'>
function cambiarMac(obj){
var txt1 = "<form action='cambiar_datos_mac' method='POST'>";
txt1 += "<input type='hidden' name='identificadormac' id='ididentificadormac' value=''>";
txt1 += "Escribe la nueva Mac <input type='text' name='txtmac' value='' ><br/>";
txt1 += "Escribe la Descripcion <input type='text' name='txtdescripcion' value='' ><br/>";
txt1 += "<input type='submit' name='btn_enviar' value='Cambiar Mac'>";
txt1 += "</form>";
document.getElementById("formulario_cambio_mac").innerHTML = txt1;
var mac=obj.value;
document.getElementById('identificadormac').value = mac;
With the hidden field is to search the old mac on the bbdd and change it to the new one. The problem is that when I click on the button and paint the form, I do not know how to get the mac address of that row from that form.
If there is a simpler way or something, I am open to suggestions.