Why do not I see new files on my MiniDLNA server?


I have had a lot of problems with the multimedia server "minidlna" for armbian in orange pi zero ... The new files are not seen ... Sometimes the server does not appear on the smart TV ... (Even if "active"). I have everything configured and I have no idea that it can go wrong, I'm deleting the files.db, doing sudo minidlnad -R (it appears on the smart tv, but with old files), it does not work (so that the server appears in my line ) doing start, restart, force-reload, stop & & start in the minidlna service ....

I honestly do not know where the problem comes from, how can I fix it? I have started as my user.


[2017/12/01 11:18:51] playlist.c: 125: warn: Parsing playlists ... [2017/12/01 11:18:51] playlist.c: 259: warn: Finished parsing playlists. [2017/12/01 11:18:52] sql.c: 117: warn: sql_get_int_field: step failed: SQL logic error or missing database SELECT (select count (distinct DETAIL_ID) from OBJECTS or left join DETAILS d on (or.DETAIL_ID = d.ID) where (OBJECT_ID glob ' $ ') and (o.CLASS like "item.audioItem % "and REF_ID is NULL)) + (select count () from OBJECTS or left join DETAILS d on (or.DETAIL_ID = d.ID) where (OBJECT_ID = '') and (o.CLASS like "item.audioItem%" and REF_ID is NULL)) [2017/12/01 11:18:52] upnpsoap.c: 123: warn: Returning UPnPError 708: Unsupported or invalid search criteria [2017/12/01 11:18:52] inotify.c: 198: warn: WARNING: Inotify max_user_watches [8192] is low or close to the number of used watches [3] and I do not have permission to increase this limit . Please do so manually by writing to higher value into / proc / sys / fs / inotify / max_user_watches. [2017/12/01 11:19:08] upnphttp.c: 1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly [2017/12/01 11:19:28] upnphttp.c: 1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly [2017/12/01 11:19:48] upnphttp.c: 1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly [2017/12/01 11:20:08] upnphttp.c: 1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly [2017/12/01 11:20:28] upnphttp.c: 1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly [2017/12/01 11:20:48] upnphttp.c: 1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly [2017/12/01 11:21:08] upnphttp.c: 1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly [2017/12/01 11:21:28] upnphttp.c: 1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly [2017/12/01 11:21:48] upnphttp.c: 1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly

asked by M. Mariscal 01.12.2017 в 11:31

3 answers


Good morning, There are times that miniDLNA does not update its databases well, I leave a link with the solution


It's at the end, so I put the two commands here

sudo minidlna -R
sudo service minidlna restart

With the first forces the regeneration of the databases, and with the second one you restart the service


answered by 01.12.2017 / 12:48

It is easy, the permissions in debian if they distinguish in three parts, Owner, Owner Group, Rest, Owner is the one who creates the file, Owner Group is the group of who creates the file (unless it is changed), Rest is the others, as I suppose the MiniDLNA user is not in your group (and obviously you are not), what I propose is that you put the permissions for the Rest part in reading and execution, the command, what it does is, group Rest (o), assign the values Read (r) and Execute (x), to the path that you indicate "Tu_ruta". Also, as you might have folders below that you want to have the same permissions, you put Recursivity (-R). I've put it like this to affect only the Others part, but you could see what permissions the folder has for the owner and group, and do chmod xx5 -R "Your_path".

I leave you a link with information chmod

answered by 01.12.2017 в 15:47

It gave me a lot of problems at first in a Debian 8.1, but the truth is that after updating the service (apt-get update & apt-get upgrade), in some update the problem disappeared. For the issue of permissions, it would be necessary to see in which group you are and in which group is the execution of the minidlna, an option is to add the user of MiniDLNA to your group, or make a chmod in your folder to allow the reading and execution by part of MiniDLNA. If I'm not mistaken, it should be something like that

sudo chmod o=rx -R "Tu_ruta"

With that, you should give read and execute permissions to the others (which I suppose is the case) on the indicated route and all its subdirectories Atte

answered by 01.12.2017 в 13:22