___ ___ erkimt Return values form previously filled - CodeIgniter ______ qstntxt ___

If a form is filled out and the next button is clicked but the user realized that there is a error and clicks on a previous button , how to do so When clicking on the previous button I returned the form that had been previously filled and that the fields of that form appear filled with the last record that had been entered, and thus avoid having to go back to fill out the form completely and only have to correct what is required.






______ azszpr128929 ___

Use Js or Jquery save the values in session Storage, when you send the form you save that information, if you reload the page in the JS, consult if there is such an information, if so, you load it in each of the corresponding fields.



If a form is filled out and the next button is clicked but the user realized that there is a error and clicks on a previous button , how to do so When clicking on the previous button I returned the form that had been previously filled and that the fields of that form appear filled with the last record that had been entered, and thus avoid having to go back to fill out the form completely and only have to correct what is required.


public function carga_vista_anterior_1(){
$data['necesidades'] = $this->Servicios_model->get_ultima_necesidad($id_necesidad);

        $resultado = $this->load->view('servicios/create_update_1',$data, TRUE);

        $response = array('mensaje' => $resultado);

        ->set_content_type('application/json', 'utf-8')
        ->set_output(json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES))


//trae el id mayor de la tabla de necesidad
        public function get_ultima_necesidad($id_necesidad) {

            $necesidades = $this->db->query('SELECT num_necesidad, descripcion_necesidad, tipos_necesidad_id_tipo_necesidad FROM necesidades WHERE id_necesidad in (select MAX(id_necesidad) from necesidades )');

         return $necesidades->result_array();



               method: "POST",
               url: base_url+"/servicios/carga_vista_anterior_1",
               data: $("#frm_create_servicio").serialize(), // Adjuntar los campos del formulario enviado.
               dataType: 'json',
               success: function(data) {


            error: function(error) {
                $('#contenido').html('<div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible" role="alert">'+
                   '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>'+
                   '<stro  ng>Error!!!</strong> Solicitud de AJAX no completada->'+error.status+'</div>'); 
        return false;        
asked by Javier Valero 04.01.2018 в 17:21

1 answer


Use Js or Jquery save the values in session Storage, when you send the form you save that information, if you reload the page in the JS, consult if there is such an information, if so, you load it in each of the corresponding fields.

answered by 04.01.2018 в 21:04