Find variables in a document


var a1 = setTimeout(function(){});
var a2 = setTimeout(function(){});
var a3 = setTimeout(function(){});
var a4 = setTimeout(function(){});
var a5 = setTimeout(function(){});

// etc..

If you had a many setTimeout , and each of these starts with a variable called "a" + un número , as you could identify all the variables that begin with ay then with a number, to put them into an array and go through them to apply the clearInterval , instead of doing the clearInterval to each of them (imagining that there are more than 50 variables would be very tedious).

asked by Eduardo Sebastian 05.09.2017 в 18:10

4 answers


With the Object.keys(window) function you can get all the objects.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		var a1 =  setInterval(function(){console.log("txt1");},1000);
		var a2 =  setInterval(function(){console.log("txt2");},1000);
		var a3 =  setInterval(function(){console.log("txt3");},1000);
		var a4 =  setInterval(function(){console.log("txt4");},1000);
		var a5 =  setInterval(function(){console.log("txt5");},1000);

		function detenerObjetosInterval(){
            //obteniendo objetos
			var objetosTodos=Object.keys(window);
			var objetosInterval=[];
			//obteniendo objetos que inicia con 'a'
			for(i = 0 ; i < objetosTodos.length ; i++){
			//deteniendo objetos
			for(i = 0 ; i < objetosInterval.length ; i++){
		//detener intervals despues de 5 seg
			console.log("deteniendo intervals");

I recommend that the var start with a more compound word (ahem var aInterval = .... ), because if you use libraries or other things you could pick up other objects

answered by 05.09.2017 / 20:20

In general, any declared global variable is an attribute of the window object:

var a1 = 5;
var a2 = 6;
var a3 = 'hola';

var i = 1;

while(window['a' + i]) {
  console.log('La variable a' + i + ' vale ' + window['a' + i]);

But this does not work with local variables even when the context is window :

(function () {
  var a1 = 5
  var a2 = 6
  var a3 = 'hola'

  var i = 1;

  while(window['a' + i]) {
    console.log('La variable a' + i + ' vale ' + window['a' + i]);
  console.log('El contexto es: ', this);

My recommendation is to save the values directly in an array:

var timeouts = [];

for (let i = 0;i < 5; i++) {
  timeouts.push(setTimeout(() => console.log('Hola ' + i), i * 2000));
  // Al usar let en lugar de var, cada callback tiene un valor distinto para i ;)

setTimeout(() => {
  timeouts.forEach(id => clearTimeout(id));
//clearTimeout en el caso presente, no clearInterval
  console.log('Eliminados los timeouts no ejecutados');
}, 3000)
answered by 06.09.2017 в 12:51

I would do the following: I would create an array with the names of all the possible variables, then I would run it with forEach I would check if the object window has a "property" called as the variable in the arrangement, if so, I do what I have to do with that variable, if not, I show an error saying that said variable does not exist, example:

var a1 = setTimeout(() => {});
var a2 = setTimeout(() => {});
var a3 = setTimeout(() => {});
var a4 = setTimeout(() => {});
var a5 = setTimeout(() => {});

const possibleVariablesNum = 10;
var possibleVariablesArr = [];

for(var i = 0; i <= possibleVariablesNum; i++){
  possibleVariablesArr.push("a" + i.toString());

possibleVariablesArr.forEach((value, index) => {
  if (window.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
    console.log("La variable " + value + " existe y se limpiará");
    console.error("La variable " + value + " NO existe");
answered by 05.09.2017 в 18:17

You can save the identifiers of setTimeout and setInterval in an object as follows:

let itervals = {
    a1: setInterval(()=>{}, 100),
    a2: setInterval(()=>{}, 100),
    a3: setInterval(()=>{}, 100)

Then, you can go through the object:

for(let i in intervals){

I propose to use an object because the declared variables are in your code, but you can also use a simple Array :

let intervals = [
    setInterval(()=>{}, 100),
    setInterval(()=>{}, 100),
    setInterval(()=>{}, 100),

for(let i in intervals){
answered by 06.09.2017 в 12:04