Using window.print in Google Chrome does not print text


I am trying to generate the printing functionality of certain "text only" information using the "window.print" function.

In both Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer (IE9 and higher versions) the printing of a selected text works.

However, in Google Chrome, "even though the preview shows the text to be printed", when sending it to the printer, it only shows the empty sheet.

For the requirement, we are using a thermal printer "do not use ink" and we only need to print text.

The following code is just a sample of how we are building "on a new page" the information to be printed; but, as I mentioned, in Google Chrome it does not print anything.

/* Imprimir el ejemplo. */
function printThisDocument() {
    try {           
        var mywindow ='', 'my div', 'height=600,width=1000');
        mywindow.document.write('<html moznomarginboxes mozdisallowselectionprint><head><title>Sticker #1</title>');
        mywindow.document.close(); // necessary for IE >= 10
        mywindow.focus(); // necessary for IE >= 10
        setTimeout(function(){ mywindow.print(); mywindow.close(); }, 500);
    } catch (ex) {
        alert('Hubo un error al imprimir. Intente de nuevo.');

I tried to select different sizes of paper "in the preview", but only with the "Letter" size the impression is generated; In this case, I mean that the printer "runs", but does not print text. When selecting other sizes, the printer does not use paper or anything, it does not activate.

The same thing happens if I select any text from any page, that is, I select a text and with right click I select the option "Print".

I read that the previous image of printing in Google Chrome is that, an image , and how the thermal printer does not print images, then do not print anything.

What can be the reason why text can not be printed in Google Chrome?

The accepted answer can also be one that describes functional alternatives for plain text printing from the browser .

asked by Mauricio Arias Olave 09.08.2017 в 16:42

1 answer


I ended up implementing QZ Tray 2.0.4 the free version .

By modifying the code available on the test page I was able to correctly implement the stickers printing through the browser 1 .


NOTE : If you plan to use this code, you should keep in mind that (also   to install QZ Tray 2.0.4 and modify the code to establish   correctly references to the scripts) the configuration should be   correct and that the "QZ Tray 2.0.4" application is in   execution; besides having the printer of your preference   set to default printer ; as well as allowing QZ Tray to communicate with the assigned localhost.

The following code has been adapted from the test page, but there is more information on the official page according to the type of printing to be generated :

<!-- Scripts requeridos -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/dependencies/rsvp-3.1.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/dependencies/sha-256.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/qz-tray.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    /// Uso esta función en el evento "onclick" de un botón.
    function printStuff() {

        // Crea una conexión a la impresora predefinida "según configuración del equipo del usuario".
        var config = getUpdatedConfig();

        // Valores de prueba.
        var data = ['Raw Data\n', 'More Raw Data\n', 'Even More Raw Data\n'];

        // Imprimir.
        qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });

    /// Authentication setup ///, reject) {
        //Preferred method - from server
        //$.ajax("assets/signing/digital-certificate.txt").then(resolve, reject);

        //Alternate method 1 - anonymous

        //Alternate method 2 - direct
        resolve("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
                "MQswCQYDVQQIDAJOWTEbMBkGA1UECgwSUVogSW5kdXN0cmllcywgTExDMRswGQYD\n" +
                "VQQLDBJRWiBJbmR1c3RyaWVzLCBMTEMxGTAXBgNVBAMMEHF6aW5kdXN0cmllcy5j\n" +
                "b20xJzAlBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWGHN1cHBvcnRAcXppbmR1c3RyaWVzLmNvbTAeFw0x\n" +
                "EAYDVQQDDAlsb2NhbGhvc3QxHTAbBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDnJvb3RAbG9jYWxob3N0\n" +
                "aoGax7ql3XgRGdhZlNEJPZDs5482ty34J4sI2ZK2yC8YkZ/x+WCSveUgDQIVJ8oK\n" +
                "D4jtAPxqHnfSr9RAbvB1GQoiYLxhfxEp/+zfB9dBKDTRZR2nJm/mMsavY2DnSzLp\n" +
                "t7PJOjt3BdtISRtGMRsWmRHRfy882msBxsYug22odnT1OdaJQ54bWJT5iJnceBV2\n" +
                "1oOqWSg5hU1MupZRxxHbzI61EpTLlxXJQ7YNSwwiDzjaxGrufxc4eZnzGQ1A8h1u\n" +
                "jTaG84S1MWvG7BfcPLW+sya+PkrQWMOCIgXrQnAsUgqQrgxQ8Ocq3G4X9UvBy5VR\n" +
                "bmVyYXRlZCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUpG420UhvfwAFMr+8vf3pJunQ\n" +
                "gH4wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUkKZQt4TUuepf8gWEE3hF6Kl1VFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF\n" +
                "BQADggIBAFXr6G1g7yYVHg6uGfh1nK2jhpKBAOA+OtZQLNHYlBgoAuRRNWdE9/v4\n" +
                "J/3Jeid2DAyihm2j92qsQJXkyxBgdTLG+ncILlRElXvG7IrOh3tq/TttdzLcMjaR\n" +
                "8w/AkVDLNL0z35shNXih2F9JlbNRGqbVhC7qZl+V1BITfx6mGc4ayke7C9Hm57X0\n" +
                "ak/NerAC/QXNs/bF17b+zsUt2ja5NVS8dDSC4JAkM1dD64Y26leYbPybB+FgOxFu\n" +
                "wou9gFxzwbdGLCGboi0lNLjEysHJBi90KjPUETbzMmoilHNJXw7egIo8yS5eq8RH\n" +
                "i2lS0GsQjYFMvplNVMATDXUPm9MKpCbZ7IlJ5eekhWqvErddcHbzCuUBkDZ7wX/j\n" +
                "unk/3DyXdTsSGuZk3/fLEsc4/YTujpAjVXiA1LCooQJ7SmNOpUa66TPz9O7Ufkng\n" +
                "+CoTSACmnlHdP7U9WLr5TYnmL9eoHwtb0hwENe1oFC5zClJoSX/7DRexSJfB7YBf\n" +
                "vn6JA2xy4C6PqximyCPisErNp85GUcZfo33Np1aywFv9H+a83rSUcV6kpE/jAZio\n" +
                "5qLpgIOisArj1HTM6goDWzKhLiR/AeG3IJvgbpr9Gr7uZmfFyQzUjvkJ9cybZRd+\n" +
                "G8azmpBBotmKsbtbAU/I/LVk8saeXznshOVVpDRYtVnjZeAneso7\n" +
                "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
                "--START INTERMEDIATE CERT--\n" +
                "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
                "bmR1c3RyaWVzLCBMTEMxGzAZBgNVBAsMElFaIEluZHVzdHJpZXMsIExMQzEZMBcG\n" +
                "A1UEAwwQcXppbmR1c3RyaWVzLmNvbTEnMCUGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYYc3VwcG9ydEBx\n" +
                "emluZHVzdHJpZXMuY29tMB4XDTE1MDMwMjAwNTAxOFoXDTM1MDMwMjAwNTAxOFow\n" +
                "cmllcywgTExDMRswGQYDVQQLDBJRWiBJbmR1c3RyaWVzLCBMTEMxGTAXBgNVBAMM\n" +
                "EHF6aW5kdXN0cmllcy5jb20xJzAlBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWGHN1cHBvcnRAcXppbmR1\n" +
                "c3RyaWVzLmNvbTCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBANTDgNLU\n" +
                "iohl/rQoZ2bTMHVEk1mA020LYhgfWjO0+GsLlbg5SvWVFWkv4ZgffuVRXLHrwz1H\n" +
                "YpMyo+Zh8ksJF9ssJWCwQGO5ciM6dmoryyB0VZHGY1blewdMuxieXP7Kr6XD3GRM\n" +
                "GAhEwTxjUzI3ksuRunX4IcnRXKYkg5pjs4nLEhXtIZWDLiXPUsyUAEq1U1qdL1AH\n" +
                "EtdK/L3zLATnhPB6ZiM+HzNG4aAPynSA38fpeeZ4R0tINMpFThwNgGUsxYKsP9kh\n" +
                "0gxGl8YHL6ZzC7BC8FXIB/0Wteng0+XLAVto56Pyxt7BdxtNVuVNNXgkCi9tMqVX\n" +
                "xOk3oIvODDt0UoQUZ/umUuoMuOLekYUpZVk4utCqXXlB4mVfS5/zWB6nVxFX8Io1\n" +
                "9FOiDLTwZVtBmzmeikzb6o1QLp9F2TAvlf8+DIGDOo0DpPQUtOUyLPCh5hBaDGFE\n" +
                "ZhE56qPCBiQIc4T2klWX/80C5NZnd/tJNxjyUyk7bjdDzhzT10CGRAsqxAnsjvMD\n" +
                "2KcMf3oXN4PNgyfpbfq2ipxJ1u777Gpbzyf0xoKwH9FYigmqfRH2N2pEdiYawKrX\n" +
                "6pyXzGM4cvQ5X1Yxf2x/+xdTLdVaLnZgwrdqwFYmDejGAldXlYDl3jbBHVM1v+uY\n" +
                "5ItGTjk+3vLrxmvGy5XFVG+8fF/xaVfo5TW5AgMBAAGjUDBOMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSQ\n" +
                "plC3hNS56l/yBYQTeEXoqXVUXDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQDRcZNwPqOqQvagw9BpW0S\n" +
                "eUsFUmbueoxyI5L+P5eV92ceVOJ2tAlBA13vzF1NWlpSlrMmQcVUE/K4D01qtr0k\n" +
                "gDs6LUHvj2XXLpyEogitbBgipkQpwCTJVfC9bWYBwEotC7Y8mVjjEV7uXAT71GKT\n" +
                "x8XlB9maf+BTZGgyoulA5pTYJ++7s/xX9gzSWCa+eXGcjguBtYYXaAjjAqFGRAvu\n" +
                "pz1yrDWcA6H94HeErJKUXBakS0Jm/V33JDuVXY+aZ8EQi2kV82aZbNdXll/R6iGw\n" +
                "2ur4rDErnHsiphBgZB71C5FD4cdfSONTsYxmPmyUb5T+KLUouxZ9B0Wh28ucc1Lp\n" +
                "rbO7BnjW\n" +
                "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n");
    }); {
        return function(resolve, reject) {
            //Preferred method - from server
            //$.ajax("/secure/url/for/sign-message?request=" + toSign).then(resolve, reject);

            //Alternate method - unsigned

    /// Connection ///
    function launchQZ() {
        if (!qz.websocket.isActive()) {
            //Retry 5 times, pausing 1 second between each attempt
            startConnection({ retries: 5, delay: 1 });

    function startConnection(config) {
        if (!qz.websocket.isActive()) {
            qz.websocket.connect(config).then(function() {
                findDefaultPrinter(true); /* Instead of findVersion(); */
        } else {
            displayAlert('An active connection with QZ already exists.');

    function endConnection() {
        if (qz.websocket.isActive()) {
            qz.websocket.disconnect().then(function() {
        } else {
            displayAlert('No active connection with QZ exists. Openinig a new one.');

    // Recargar la página para iniciar la conexión.
    function restartConnection() {
        startConnection({ retries: 5, delay: 1 });

    /// Detection ///
    function findDefaultPrinter(set) {
        qz.printers.getDefault().then(function(data) {
            displayAlert("La impresora (" + data + ") ha sido encontrada.\nAhora puede proceder a imprimir stickers.");
            if (set) { setPrinter(data); }

    /// Raw Printers ///
    function printEPL() {
        var config = getUpdatedConfig();

        /* Información de prueba. */
        var printData = [
            'A310,26,0,3,1,1,N,"SKU 00000 MFG 0000"\n',
            'A310,56,0,3,1,1,N,"QZ PRINT APPLET"\n',
            'A310,86,0,3,1,1,N,"TEST PRINT SUCCESSFUL"\n',
            'A310,116,0,3,1,1,N,"FROM SAMPLE.HTML"\n',

        qz.print(config, printData).catch(createConsoleLog);

    /// Page load ///
    $(document).ready(function() {
        window.readingWeight = false;       
        // ¡La conexión con la impresora se establece cuando la conexión sea exitosa!
        alert('============================================\n' +
              '              Iniciando conexión con QZ Tray software.\n' + 
              '============================================\n' +
              'Para usar la impresión de stickers, debe tener instalado el programa\n' +
              'QZ Tray 2.0.4\n\n' + 
              'QZ Tray 2.0.4 procederá a detectar la impresora predeterminada.\n\n' +
              'Acepte las solicitudes que se muestra a continuación y\n' +
              'Espere a que se muestre el nombre de la impresora detectada.');

    qz.websocket.setClosedCallbacks(function(evt) {

        if (evt.reason) {
            displayAlert("Connection closed:" + evt.reason);


    /// Helpers ///
    function handleConnectionError(err) {
        if ( != undefined) {
            if ( >= 2) { //if CLOSING or CLOSED
                createConsoleLog("Connection to QZ Tray was closed");
            } else {
                createConsoleLog("A connection error occurred, check log for details");
        } else {

    function createConsoleLog(err) {

    function displayAlert(msg, css) {

    /// QZ Config ///
    var cfg = null;
    function getUpdatedConfig() {
        if (cfg == null) {
            cfg = qz.configs.create(null);

        return cfg

    // Los parámetros estarán como "undefined" ya que no existen en mi código final.
    function updateConfig() {
        var pxlSize = null;
        var pxlMargins = $("#pxlMargins").val(); // = undefined.
        var jobName = "Impresión Sticker";

            altPrinting: $("#rawAltPrinting").prop('checked'),
            encoding: $("#rawEncoding").val(),
            endOfDoc: $("#rawEndOfDoc").val(),
            perSpool: $("#rawPerSpool").val(),
            colorType: $("#pxlColorType").val(),
            copies: 1,
            density: $("#pxlDensity").val(),
            duplex: $("#pxlDuplex").prop('checked'),
            interpolation: $("#pxlInterpolation").val(),
            jobName: jobName,
            margins: pxlMargins,
            orientation: $("#pxlOrientation").val(),
            paperThickness: $("#pxlPaperThickness").val(),
            printerTray: $("#pxlPrinterTray").val(),
            rasterize: $("#pxlRasterize").prop('checked'),
            rotation: $("#pxlRotation").val(),
            scaleContent: $("#pxlScale").prop('checked'),
            size: pxlSize,
            units: $("input[name='pxlUnits']:checked").val()

    function setPrinter(printer) {
        var cf = getUpdatedConfig();


1 Tests in Google Chrome Version 60.0.3112.90 (Official build) (64 bits).

answered by 14.08.2017 / 23:11