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Show array list in Vuejs

I want to show my list of ingredients in Vuejs of a juice, this list has inside an array that is to say this is my json object category 0 _id "5aa875ab69355c25d0132a41" title "Refresh" ingredient 0 category 0 "5aa875ab69...
asked on 16.03.2018 / 22:04

How do I change the value of a variable?

The fact is that I want to capture 2 variables per POST and that a group of if elseif compare them. Example <?php $var1 = $_POST['var1']; $var2 = $_POST['var2']; $var3 = 0; if ($var1 == 1 && $var2 == 2){ $var3++; } ?>...
asked on 02.05.2018 / 19:38

Infinite Loop with promise

I have serious doubts about this that came to me recently. I want to make an infinite loop of a request to an API every 15 seconds, but I want the loop to wait for the answer of the promise and then go again 15 seconds. So, the behavior I...
asked on 09.04.2018 / 17:21

Pass variables and perform actions between classes in C #

I am learning the C # language, also using the VisualStudio tool, and I can not pass a variable (BtnColor in the code) from one class to another, and then perform an action from the value of that variable. This is the form I try to create in Vis...
asked on 25.08.2018 / 22:52

fusion sql queries

SELECT Date(f.Fecha),SUM(f.Total) as fac FROM factura f WHERE f.Tipo='Factura' AND f.Fecha BETWEEN '2018-09-20' AND '2018-09-25' GROUP BY Date(f.Fecha); SELECT Date(s.Fecha),SUM(s.Total) as sal FROM sales s WHERE s.Fecha BETWEEN...
asked on 27.09.2018 / 01:23

Concatenate variables in C ++

I have a method that should return char* but I can not concatenate the variables: char* format(char* model){ char* format; format+=day+""; return format; } The variable day is type int , I come from java so I still...
asked on 31.08.2018 / 04:41

DO NOT enter the method of an internal class c #

I am trying to understand why it does not execute a method from a non-static public class ( public class DatosHandler ), even a static method: public class DatosHandler { public static DataTable ConsultaFacturasAll() {...
asked on 09.10.2018 / 16:42

When starting Navigation Drawer enter with a fragment directly

it's just that, I'm creating an app which has a login (main activity) and a record, when I pass this process, I enter a Navigation Drawer activity I have the fragments but it is blank, when I step on it the options of that menu are loaded the fr...
asked on 25.11.2016 / 19:59

Transform query from MySQL to Codeigniter

I have this query in MySQL: select p.id_empleado as id,(select 'empleado') as tipo, p.url_imagen, concat_ws(' ',p.nombre,p.paterno,p.materno) as nombre, e.nombre as empresa,concat_ws(' ',u.nombre,u.apellidos) as solicitante, p.fecha_al...
asked on 30.08.2018 / 18:50

Locale returns to default

I am trying to change the locale of an app so that it is the user's choice through the following code public static void updateLanguage(Context ctx) { SharedPreferencesManager sharedPreferencesManager = new SharedPreferencesManager(ctx);...
asked on 29.11.2016 / 09:57