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I need to remove some items from this list PYTHON

I need to remove from the list ( listaCoefX ) defined below the values in this format: lista=[[-2,+1,-1,+2],[-2,+2,-1,-0],[0,+0,+2,+2],[0,+0,+0,+4] This I take of the code to do what I request: listaCoefX=['-2X1+1X2-1X3+2X4', '-2X...
asked on 22.11.2016 / 22:47

How to open a PDF, without saving it ?, using iTextSharp, and C #

I am working with iTextSharp. He used a function to generate a PDF file, and save it, with the following piece of code: //GENERAR ARCHIVO PDF. private void To_pdf() { Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate(), 10, 10, 10...
asked on 04.09.2018 / 20:50

Move a point and go painting where Java passes

My problem is that I can move the circle but I can not make it repaint where it happens. I want him to leave color wherever he passes Code: import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; /** * * @author isaac */ public class PanelG...
asked on 19.11.2016 / 00:06

I upload PDF files by POST but $ _FILES type does not detect them as such

Good, I have a form in which I upload a .PDF file. The problem is that sometimes, if it detects PDFs and other times with other files with the same ending, it indicates that they are not of that type. What could I do? I leave here an extract of...
asked on 10.01.2017 / 14:32

Parsear date with bookshop momentjs

I want to pause the date like this (day: month: year "spaced" hour: minute: second) I did the test with 2018-12-10T10:33:57-04:00 and it returns me 12/10/2018 10:12:00 that result is wrong, I need 10/12/2018 10:33:57...
asked on 12.12.2018 / 22:55

Doubts about two Swift errors

I'm starting with Swift and he gives me the following error //Definimos la clase class Persona { //Declaramos las variables var nombre: String var apellido: String //Inicializamos las variables init (nombre: String, apelli...
asked on 18.11.2018 / 11:15

Modify "Points" binary file (modify by SEEK)

I need help with the following piece of code: case 1: System.out.println("Actualizar Puntos"); int registro = 1; // Nuevos puntos (entrada del usuario) punts = 40; // PosiciĆ³n donde comienza el registro int pos = 48 * (registro - 1); // Mover...
asked on 07.01.2016 / 15:05

Show Node.js buffer in real time in a browser

I'm trying to make a program in Node.js that, after receiving a Unix-like command via POST , it executes it and displays in real time the output in the browser. This is the code I'm using to execute the commands: exec(myCommand, fu...
asked on 23.12.2015 / 20:05

Obtain value of a JSON object according to the value of another JSON object

Transfondo: I have an application in VB.NET where I consume some web services "API's". One of these APIs (for the purposes of the question will be called EnviarArchivo ) returns an object with this structure: API response Envi...
asked on 02.01.2019 / 19:25

ASP.NET MVC architecture DDD (Domain Driven Design)

DDD ( Domain Driven Design ), It is a set of basic and practical patterns that help us to solve and understand the business problems (Domain) in the design of object-oriented systems. DDD is a very broad topic. I have been using the N - Lay...
asked on 01.01.2017 / 20:16