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Add random string to the name of the files

I'm developing a Bash script that takes all the images I have in the folder and adds a random string before the extension. That random string would be different for each file. The images are something like "01.jpg", "02.jpg" ... And the idea...
asked on 08.02.2018 / 17:41

Binding for a RadioButton group in XAML MVVM

If I add a RadioButton control and specify a property in the ViemModel , I can do the Binding normally, but if I have a list of objects and create a RadioButton for each object in the list, does it? how is it done so t...
asked on 06.01.2016 / 18:47

Irrigation Percentage in Map, Google Maps API Js

Good morning, I am trying to show on a map a percentage of Irrigation. I have tried it in several ways, for example: -Show a 50% polygon on an original polygon of 100% It did not work because when sending only 50% of the coordinates of the ar...
asked on 30.11.2017 / 16:25

How to manipulate a column with a name used by querys in SQL?

I have a table in SQL server with the name default , but the problem is that SQL uses the word 'default' to do something else. Then I can not manipulate the default column of my table. In what way can I do it? I can not edit the name of the v...
asked on 28.11.2018 / 14:53

Differences between methods and commands in JavaScript

I'm starting to study JavaScript, but in several books and web queries the terms methods and commands appear, but from what I see both use () and perform the same action. For example, this is a command: var name = "Ejemplo"; aler...
asked on 31.12.2015 / 01:59

Is there a reference to know all the characters that should be escaped in regular expressions?

In a code (Java) I must extract a series of characters from a string. This is the code I'm using: html=html.replaceAll("[«»\"\'“”¿?]",""); If I try to escape the question marks I get an error. Should not the question marks escape? My...
asked on 13.12.2018 / 13:53

Value returned by a simple order (128 + n)

Good evening to the stack community. I am studying man bash, and in "shell grammar" I have a doubt, which, in principle, is not strictly programming, so if it is considered out of place (I hope you tell me if it is), edit to delete it . Accor...
asked on 21.12.2018 / 00:04

Group by week - day that starts the week

The scenario is that I have some events a day, and I have to group them per week, in such a way that they can be agurped such that: SELECT array_agg(a_day) as data, week FROM ( SELECT day::date as a_day, date_trunc('week', day) :: date...
asked on 29.11.2018 / 14:25

How to capture html attribute in a js variable and then assign it in css variable?

I want to capture the value of src and pass it to a CSS variable, which is in the inline style of the container parent named --img-url . The idea that I have in the html, I have this: <figure class="img-container" style="--i...
asked on 16.01.2018 / 00:01

Uncaught TypeError is not a function - Laravel Vue

Inside the template of the Event.vue component I have a select that reads from the wallet table, it is a normal select to choose only one type of wallet (it is not multiselect), for that select I occupy the vue-multiselect component to make a si...
asked on 26.04.2018 / 04:36