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Calculate difference of php hours

I have a web application where users can insert the extra hours they have done. One problem I have is that I made a function in which I calculated the difference in hours. In the application, if a user has worked less or 4 hours, those hours are...
asked on 06.08.2018 / 15:06

datetime.strptime returns 'NoneType' objects

I am trying to write a simple module to store date data from the information entered by the user: import datetime formato_dia = ("%Y%m%d","%Y/%m/%d", "%Y-%m-%d") def dia_manual(): while True: entrada_dia = input("""Escriba la fec...
asked on 06.08.2018 / 14:45

Compare several elements of a matrix

I would like to know if you could help me with this little problem that I have. I'm doing a basic variation of the game tetris in console as part of a task, I'm quite new to Java, I just started and I was stuck in the system of punctuation /...
asked on 03.03.2017 / 05:24

You doubt how the return works

I have a question, I've been going around for a few days, and I can not understand how it works or what I'm doing wrong. Starting point: Suppose we have the following function: ArrayWrapper f(ArrayWrapper arr){ return arr }...
asked on 25.05.2018 / 01:49

Use of cookies vs session in PHP

Currently I have a corporate intranet working with session variables, and it does it very well. Today I will start with a project for the general public and I decided to load the datastore on the front-side with cookies. I have never used them a...
asked on 17.03.2017 / 22:43

Create PDF of Multiple Pages with JSPDF

Hello friends I am trying to create a pdf to print some tickets, I am using boostrap to format html and to create the PDF jspdf and html2pdf The problem is that I want to accommodate 4 tickets on a letter sheet, but my code only generates 1 p...
asked on 10.02.2017 / 15:50

Login using the active directory in ASP.NET

Good morning. I have an application, web with a database connection, I have always used the classic authentication of SQLServer in the string connection: <connectionStrings> <add name="CapaDatos.Properties.Settings.Logis...
asked on 14.03.2017 / 23:31

How do I get the ID of an element with its border?

What I would like to do is to obtain the id of an element that has a different edge, in this case its edge is red, to be able to process it in another method. Current code: if ($('#txtNombreP').hasClass('borcolo')) { alert('El elemento...
asked on 23.02.2017 / 21:24

How to make my program appear in the list of Windows programs?

I have a question, how can I make my program done in Java, come out in the list of programs installed in Windows? Any class that allows me to do this?     
asked on 18.10.2016 / 21:47

Execute lambda expressions from an "unknown" type

In a development that I am doing, I create a type of object from one of my classes that are stored in my library in the following way: var type = GetTypeFromAssembly(typeName, fullNameSpaceType); var instanceOfMyType = Activator.Crea...
asked on 13.10.2016 / 21:23