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Rewrite a simple game without using the sentence "goto"

In a part of the book I am reading I need to rewrite a "Labyrinth" game that uses goto sentences to another that does not use them. The labyrinth is very simple, it only has 4 rooms and it starts from room # 1: --------- | 1 | 2 | --...
asked on 22.03.2016 / 17:59

Problem with Searchview android

Good to the problem, first I have a Searchview in my actionbar . I have a listview with a arraydapter custom which I fill with data that I send from the webservices and I through the class Asynctask full listivi...
asked on 09.06.2016 / 20:25

how to edit netCDF file using python? generate another .nc only with a part of the original? [closed]

I am new with python and even more with netCDF. My situation is the next... I must download the .nc files generated by the ASCAT (wind information on the sea). Available at / ascat / preview / L2 / metop_a...
asked on 19.05.2016 / 21:11

Fill / give value cell Google SpreadSheet

I tell you my problem: I'm trying to give values to the different cells of a spreadsheet of Google from Java . Currently what I do is instantiate an object of the class CellEntry to which I indicate the text and the concre...
asked on 11.07.2016 / 19:54

Change the format of the date I receive from YYYY-MM-DD to DD / MM / YYYY

In this function, of the Database I bring the date value in AAAA-MM-DD format, and what I want is that when receiving by AJAX the date format is changed to DD/MM/AAAA . If someone like do it without using PHP to achieve it wou...
asked on 12.01.2017 / 19:38

What does var = {} mean in javascript / jquery?

Sometimes I have seen variables that have two parentheses with nothing, that is to say this. var obtener_teclas = {} Especially in scripts to capture keystrokes, that is, keyboard events, does that variable mean that it will store some valu...
asked on 11.12.2018 / 10:16

Count the number of elements of an array in C #

I will have an array like the following: string[] arr1 = { "one", "two", "three" }; How could I do to count the total number of elements in my array. Try adding Count but it returns me: El nombre 'arr1.Count' no existe en el contex...
asked on 22.03.2017 / 15:50

cookies vs sessions [closed]

I am working on the development of a website and the time has come to start working with cookies. Currently, I use sessions to register users, but I wonder: What are the differences between sessions and cookies? What are its advantag...
asked on 04.06.2017 / 15:21

Open a new screen, with an onMenuItemClick and send data

Good, I have a RecyclerView with its CardView , and when I click on the photo I get the drop-down menu that I created with 2 options. With one of them I want to be able to open another activity to show more information. Any id...
asked on 20.04.2017 / 10:42

How to generate dynamic Divs on

I'm working with some designs in asp , I want to save the creation of x number of ASP pages, it is worth mentioning that I am working with
asked on 09.05.2016 / 18:24