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How to format a string to 2 decimal places Java?

I explain: I have a String in Java : String numero = "59.2348837"; this is what I'm trying to do: String.format( "%.2f", numero) And I try to get as a result: String resultado = "59.23"; But it throws me an error becaus...
asked on 18.04.2018 / 00:14

How to hide the url in laravel when you use get to edit?

I want to edit a record using its id and I have the following code in my view: <a href="{{route('guest.edit',$g->id)}}" class="btn btn-simple btn-warning btn-icon edit"><i class="ti-pencil-alt"></i></a> And so I h...
asked on 08.11.2017 / 20:29

How can I show only two decimals in the operation?

I'm working with android studio and I want the answer to only show it to me with only two decimals, I do not know where that is done, only I can be with format () public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View....
asked on 05.09.2017 / 22:20

Error with fixes

Hello everyone, is that I try to solve a problem with minor and major fixes and make their difference but ... the program defines well the major element but not the minor so is the arrangement 2 5 3 7 12 9 8 5 4 10 Define the biggest on...
asked on 29.09.2018 / 20:04

Use of td and tr mvc

How can I put the comma to the employee's salary or currency type this is the view @foreach (var item in Model)                 { <tr> <td>@item.EmpId</td> @*...
asked on 17.10.2018 / 19:44

How to determine the sublevels of an array? Using a recursive function

I have a table in the database in which I keep all the functions of my menu, it has the following columns: table: functions / columns: id, father_id, icon, link, title And I want to order the parents and children as I have registered in th...
asked on 26.04.2017 / 23:01

Mysql get the next Monday at noon

Hello friends, could you help me with the following: I have a field with a timestamp format and I would like to know how to get the next Monday at midday to save it in date_end . journay date_start date_end 1 1515200400 1...
asked on 24.01.2018 / 02:57

Does anyone explain to me how this code works, to turn on and off a led?

Well this would be the code, unfortunately I'm just watching videos ... I do not have a raspberry, where I live so cheap they are not ... what confuses me here is the conditional While, it says while it's true ... in In any case, when I see that...
asked on 13.12.2017 / 16:25

Access a property of a JSON

I have the following JSON "values": [ ["Martes", "pan", [8, [4],[0]], 7.381498329613434] ] } What would be the way to show the value: 7.381498329613434 in my Javascript console? Thank you very much     
asked on 07.11.2018 / 23:00

Is there any way to align this perfectly using CSS or something else?

I'm currently producing an HTML text that I'm trying to align, I'm doing it raw, using &nbsp; . This is an example (do not pay attention to the <font color ... that I plan to improve for CSS): <div class="page_b...
asked on 11.10.2018 / 21:10