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Align form Bootstrap TextArea

As I can organize my form, I am using bootstrap but I can not organize the description field which is a textarea below the other two inputtext This is the code I'm using <form> <div class="form-row"> &l...
asked on 12.03.2018 / 04:36

The linked list does not point to NULL at the end

I have a problem with the following program. This consists of adding elements to a linked list in an increasing way, that is, the elements will be sorted in the list from least to greatest, with the lowest value being the "head" of the list and...
asked on 18.03.2018 / 05:27

How to get the UUID of bluetooth on an Android device?

To establish a socket connection to my device via bluetooth I need to obtain the UUID identifier of the "server". On the part of the client I can obtain the UUID's by means of the method getUuids () from BlueToothDevice    getUuids ()...
asked on 22.03.2018 / 17:17

How to go through an arrangement that is sent from php to Javascript

Well doing this ajax that I send to a processing form which returns an Array that brings parameters and an array of names I will leave here my example of php code; This is an array of names which I fill with a for that I do $nombre[]= $nuev...
asked on 02.03.2018 / 01:01

c ++: Doubt with exception handling

I'm learning c ++ and I wanted to try a code using try and catch. So I wrote a program that would deliberately send an error out_of_range: #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> class foo{ public: foo(int s) :elem{ne...
asked on 23.03.2018 / 00:24

How to generate color gradients in Sound Bars with Reflection js / css

How to generate gradient as the image that I attached in a sound wave var elem = $('div'); var count = elem.length; var loop = function(){ setTimeout(function(){ elem.each(function(){ var $this = $(this);...
asked on 20.12.2017 / 14:03

How to pair JSOn

Hi, could you help me parse this JSON since I do not succeed? { "pages": [ { "name": "página1", "elements": [ { "type": "text", "name": "pregunta1" } ] } ] } var obj = JSON.par...
asked on 22.03.2018 / 18:59

How to remove specific element from an array of objects? Javascript [duplicated]

Good headers, I have a problem, I hope you can guide me, in what way could you eliminate a specific element of an arrangement of objects like the following? array = [ {nom: "NOMBRE 1", tipo: "TIPO A"}, {nom: "NOMBRE 2", tipo: "TIPO B"}, {nom...
asked on 19.12.2017 / 13:33

Android Studio rain effect for games

I'm using this library to create a rain effect. Now I wanted to identify when the image reaches the limit of the screen to add the shock effect to the ground. How could I identify when the image reaches the end of the screen? Thanks. My...
asked on 02.12.2017 / 18:44

git bash error: / mingw64 / bin / git: Argument list too long when executing "git add *"

I am working on a project and I am creating the initial version by adding the base files. The problem comes when I try to add all the files in the folder (I previously created the file .gitignore with the corresponding) with the command git ad...
asked on 08.03.2018 / 00:08