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Redirecting 301 using htaccess

I have a problem with some redirections in a site when creating a redirection of a <etiqueta>.html to a <categoria>/ . The problem is that you drag the variable. The <etiqueta> s are a predefined list by...
asked on 02.07.2017 / 21:20

Delete item when a key is pressed

The code consists of creating a wolf with the arrows on the keyboard, I already made a functional code, but a wolf remains behind as if it were a wolf line. How do I remove the wolf old as it were? That is, the wolf before the new one that...
asked on 25.12.2018 / 00:46

Left join using Linq C #

I have the person table in which there are 100 people of which 80 are students, of those 80 only 50 are enrolled, I try to make a left join (Sql Server) to show me the student that exists, even if not are enrolled The table that stor...
asked on 30.12.2018 / 19:18

MySql Entity Framework Code-Firsrt

I am trying to persist against a MySql database using the Entity Framework the Code-First approach, use in EF6 I do not get an error, The problem is that I do not create the database or the table or add the records I persist. We show our im...
asked on 10.07.2017 / 01:12

Some way to return a list using Python classes

I'm doing a small example with classes in Python but I want you to print a list of elements so use __str__ but I mark the error that it was not a type string here is my code: class intSet(object): def __init__(self):...
asked on 12.07.2017 / 18:40

Error installing cordova by NPM

I'm starting in Ionic framework and I'm trying to install cordova with the command npm install -g cordova but I loose this error, does anyone know why? sommer@sommer-AO532h:~$ npm install -g cordova npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Use...
asked on 25.06.2017 / 21:47

Problem with pivot table in laravel 5.7

I am doing a project for the university and I have a problem working with a pivot table, it is the relationship between Vaccines (Vaccine) and Pets (Pet), it is a relationship of many to much, believe the migrations of both Vaccine and of Pet, a...
asked on 31.12.2018 / 20:43

How to activate event when you reach a certain point on the page with javascript or jquery?

You see, I have a menu on a one-page site, in which when you click on a menu item you go down to the indicated section and the selected menu item is underlined, but I need to make scroll and be in That section also underlines the element,...
asked on 20.06.2017 / 03:02

because it works when importing cv2 and cv does not work when I import it

I'm trying this import numpy as np import cv2 #Cargar los dos videos video1 = cv2.VideoCapture('') video2 = cv2.VideoCapture('') #Guardar las dimensiones del primer video ancho1 = int(video1.get(
asked on 10.07.2017 / 01:24

Difference between iterable objects, iterator and containers in Python 3

I have seen that in Python 3 there are iterable objects, objects iterator and there are also containers . My questions are: What is the difference? Can everyone walk in a loop? In all of them can its elements be accessed through indexes?...
asked on 08.07.2017 / 02:40