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Disable horizontal scroll; but allow the vertical

I'm trying to disable horizontal scroll on a website; but without affecting the vertical. I have a script that works like a slider by sliding the "body" of the page to the left and revealing more content. However, this creates an extra empty...
asked on 05.12.2015 / 08:44

Variable in literal string C #

Having this code: ' string s ="insert into Administrador values('"+admin.nick+"','"+admin.pass+"','"+admin.nombre+"');";' There would be some way to do something like: string s = @"insert into Administador values('admin.nick','admin.pass'...
asked on 09.05.2017 / 13:04

user search

1.- For the search based on the content of the divs, is that a good practice? 2.- When I perform a search, and then I delete all of the input, how do I return to its initial state, that is to say that all the users are shown, are there events...
asked on 14.02.2017 / 16:46

Delete an array of duplicate objects in javascript

How to remove duplicate data from an array of objects?: example: var array = [ {id:1,nombre:'casa'}, {id:2,nombre:'fruta'}, {id:3,nombre:'mascotas'}, {id:1,nombre:'casa'}, {id:2,nombre:'fruta'}, {id:4,nombre:'cosas'}, {id:5,no...
asked on 27.12.2016 / 18:44

Get object of an array by providing an attribute of the object

I have an array of objects like the following: var nicknames = [] nicknames.push( {id:"100", name:"Juan"} , {id:"200", name:"Mateo"} ); How can I get the data of one of the objects in the nicknames array by supplying the name or the...
asked on 06.12.2015 / 09:28

Style half of a character

Is there any way to style only half of a character? For example, half of one color and the other half of another. Is there a CSS or JavaScript solution for this, or should we resort to images? (I know that there is a gradient, but we do no...
asked on 11.10.2017 / 11:07

Difference between Fragment and FragmentActivity

Well, the title is pretty clear, what is the difference between Fragment and FragmentActivity? I would like to know to know which is the best option for the following case: I have two fragments and in a main activity (with a NavigationView) i...
asked on 29.11.2016 / 17:23

Pie Charts with Google Charts

I'm trying to generate a pie chart with codeigniter and mysql but I get it I'm wrong I'd like your help Here's the code; chartcontroller.php <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** * */ cla...
asked on 04.10.2016 / 00:20

Do not send emails through my form

I make a form to send an email with the filling of my form, but it only marks me error of echo of shipment, I do not know what I am doing wrong. This is my form: </head> <body> <form name="formulario_contacto" method...
asked on 29.05.2018 / 18:35

How to convert an HTML element to a string in javascript?

I access an element of my page and I save it in a variable: var nodo = document.getElementsByClassName('prueba'); if I do a var nodo = String(nodo); It does not work for me, I know it's an array of objects but if I pass it to a string...
asked on 24.02.2017 / 13:10