By default the reading with cin is desperately slow compared to its counterpart scanf ... when logic tells us that it should not be like this:
With cin a direct call is made to the function that knows what the type of th...
I've always had doubts about the difference between obj1 and obj2
var obj1 = {
propiedad1: String,
propiedad2: Boolean,
propiedad3: Number,
propiedad4: null,
propiedad5: "Opcion1" || "Opcion2",
propiedad6: {
I have the following query that I get with this query:
Select Año, Tip, Est, t1, t2, t3 From Tabla1
Año Tip Est Zo t1 t2 t3
2003 1 A 6 12 14 17
2003 1 A 7 12 15 18
2003 1 A 8 13 16 19...
My question is so that the characters are used = > in C #, I've seen it in a method to access the device's light sensor.
This is the method
private void _lightSensor_ReadingChanged(LightSensor sender, LightSensorReadingChangedEventArgs args...
I want to know if it is possible to change the default style that appears when placing a <input type="file" /> on our page. Here I leave a screenshot.
The previous image is a screenshot of my tablet, where I save the path o...
I am trying to calculate the average execution time of a program, for 10 executions, for this I use the library chrono of C ++ 11, however, I'm getting an error that says there is no operator to make += , I understand that variables...
I am creating a custom event method, to do so I must create the event types as constants. My question is how to access a constant within an object.
var EventManager=function() {
I'm using the JQuery autocomplete library. I currently have a function that decodes HTML entities of numeric type - > Ñ , but what I do not know is how to integrate entities of this type into the function - > &...
Good morning.
I'm doing a little job with PHP, and I need help removing a record from a table. I insert data, and then I delete them, but the auto_increment continues in the last inserted position. I want that when deleting a data, the auto_incr...