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How to traverse a php fix in javascript?

I'm using laravel for a project, I present the following problem, in the controller I have an array called scaling value that is filled, then that array was sent to view using return and compact, in the view I need to pass that array to a script...
asked on 25.04.2018 / 21:52

Get CSS attribute in JS

I want to get a property of css in js to add its value. In the following code I have a div called bubble, and what I want is to increase its value in scale (0.1) each time the function is executed and the only way I can think of is to obtain...
asked on 10.10.2018 / 11:54

Google does not use the meta description when indexing URL

I understand that the fact of using a meta-description does not mean that Google is going to use that, you may consider that another portion of the text is more important. The fact is that in the code I have defined that the meta-description is...
asked on 31.07.2017 / 15:30

How to know if I am in the last iteration of a foreach

I have a function that concatenates a query from POST variables, this I do with a foreach: $id = $_POST['empId']; $query = "UPDATE userInfo SET "; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $query .= "$key = '$value', "; } $query .= " WHERE i...
asked on 15.05.2018 / 21:30

Change background of the navbar

I have a bootstrap navbar (download the CDN to set all the changes on the page with bootstrap). The problem is that I can not change the background of this, no matter how much I get into their classes and use! Important, I checked with the eleme...
asked on 02.09.2018 / 20:39

What does the = * mean in the where?

Good afternoon, I would like you to support me with this. I have a query select ... FROM DBSosst..SRG_SUMMARY_NAVIGATION, SALDOS_prueba1 a WHERE GROUP_ID = 4 and STRUCTURE_ID = 1118 and SUMTO...
asked on 07.05.2016 / 00:33

Doubt with createElement ('div') for id

I am developing a portfolio and in the following code you will see that I collect the information from a file .json , until here there is no problem. For those who do not use fetch , I leave the information here. link Code: targetAbo...
asked on 24.06.2016 / 17:30

How to cut chain and join it in a variable

esta1seg0831a.txt my file that I want to cut file_name = esta1seg0831a.txt year = 2016 month = file_name[8:10] day = file_name[10:12] estacion = file_name[:4] nombre = file_name folder = [year,month,day,estacion] My output result is =...
asked on 07.09.2016 / 00:01

What is a POO Instance

I've been programming for a while and whenever I read or hear the word instance , we instantiate , I get an idea of what is being talked about but I'm not sure at all. I understand that the instance of an object is when we create a new ob...
asked on 12.04.2016 / 08:55

Doubt about saving an image in database

I have a question about saving an image in a database, in specific mysql, my question is what would occupy more space in the server, save the bytes of the image in a field of type bytes or save the image in a specific directory and then t...
asked on 22.08.2016 / 23:33