Questions tagged as 'admob'


Is it necessary to initialize the ad in adMob?

I have two apps in the play store and in a non-use MobileAds.initialize(this, APP_ID); And in another if, could you explain the difference between doing it or not? Both upload the advertising perfectly and I do not have any kind of warning...
asked by 31.10.2017 / 14:48

Admob and Android Ad Block

Good morning recently I published an app in Play Store, it contains a simple banner, now I'm thinking about placing another banner in another activity, I wanted to know if any of you used the same ad unit ID for different banner or necessarily I...
asked by 01.05.2017 / 15:43

How to solve problems with admob does not create ads, but appears as printed?

Hello everyone My problem is this: I currently have a problem with admob that when I try to display an ad, but it is not displayed, what I noticed is that the system sends the request , because it is stored as an impression in the admob a...
asked by 21.03.2017 / 00:53

Google Play Games and GoogleMobileAds do not work together in Unity 5

Greetings, I am working on a game in Unity3D and I have integrated the google play games services, but when importing the GoogleMobileAds plugin / strong> throws me errors that I do not know how to solve. I use: Unity 5.3.5f1 Person...
asked by 13.10.2016 / 18:47

Is it possible to upload the same id in different banners?

I have several activitys and I charge different banners with different ids. Is it possible to upload the same id in all the banners?     
asked by 22.12.2017 / 19:21

Error when displaying Admob Banner in Android Studio

I am trying to place a Banner to my game, but when I execute it, the Banner is shown and not games, when I modify the code, the game is shown and not the Banner, this is my "" code : NOTE: Search the internet for some solutio...
asked by 09.11.2017 / 00:53

Admob banner blocks EditText autofocus when operating Android keyboard

Within the% co_of main% of my app I have added an admob banner, which for some strange reason prevents that when selecting any Activity the screen will auto-focus on that EditText . If I remove the banner of my main_activity.xml the...
asked by 09.01.2016 / 18:21

How to add advertising on Android

I want that every time a button is pressed, an Admob video is opened and another advertising video is opened every so often. I've been watching tutorials but none of them have worked for me, Change use google admob ads activity but it di...
asked by 29.12.2018 / 04:54

Error loading ads

For a while I monetized my application with admob and had not had any problems, these days I have been working on an update of my application but before launching it I have been testing and I have realized that now it does not show any publicity...
asked by 06.12.2018 / 03:20

Admob stops working when you publish the App in the Play Store

Good day! I built an application with Android Studio using the Admob Ads and I find the following problem: Using the Test Ads in the emulator works OK OK, using the real Ads in a real device Using the real Ads on a real device with the sig...
asked by 04.12.2018 / 12:15