I am trying to update a table depending on the selected date
start: yyyy-mm-dd end: yyyy-mm-dd when selecting this data load my ajax
I have this error
Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object
insertion code
$fech = $_POST['fech'];
$hora = $_POST['hora'];
$ced = $_POST['ced'];
$nom = $_POST['nom']...
I recently left a code about how to create dynamic ids in a while cycle.
Now I have this other doubt.
$Filas = consult...
basically I have a date type imput where the user places the date in which I joined the company, after that I want to show in other input the elapsed time (basically something like this: 1 year 3 months, 0 year 6 months ), To the current date. I...
I just made a request for data by ajax to my database, but I answered the following:
Failed to load link : Redirect
from ' link ' to
' link ' has been blocked by CORS policy: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the...
I have a call with JavaScript and I want to manipulate this data further in other functions, as I could do .. this is an example of my code ...
function (data) {
variableGlobal = data[0].one;
}, "json");
I have to upload an image to the server and show it on the page once it is uploaded, the first time everything works normally, the problem is that it is cached when it is uploaded and it does not change unless the browser is refreshed.
This is t...
I recently left a code about how to create dynamic ids in a while cycle.
Now I have this other doubt.
$Filas = consult...
I'm currently working on an edit view , I have two dependent select 'has (' city ')? 'has-error': ''}} ">