Good, I am trying to make my kardex or history of entry and exit of my product. But I have a problem. I do not want that when going to see the details of a product the page requires recharging. But hide the first table ( producto.php ) where all...
PHP class where I connect to the Database
class Buscador
var $host = 'localhost', $user = 'root', $pass = 'chachin', $db = 'employee', $conexion = 'Se conecto',
$conexion_i = "No se Conecto correctament...
I am calling an Asp.Net C # method since a script works perfectly for me when it is in the url: 'default.aspx / NombreDelMetodo' but when I enter the project where I must implement the code I have problems with the url try these three forms bu...
I have the following options, which should update two different sw:
in the first I have the options of ninguna, aut, y hab and in the second I have the option of sw_visible , which is 1 or 0 dependent if it is activ...
Ajax sends an array containing values that the user selects from a checkbox set in this way
$("#btnEnviarTelcel").click(function () {
var conjuntoFacturas=[];
$("#form1 input[type=checkbox]").each(function (i) {...
It sent through AJAX values according to the checkboxes that a user selects to another page2 that receives them, and processes them to a BD, the problem is that I have a cycle each with jquery for the sending of the value that the user selected...
I'm doing a project in Symfony and when I send the data by ajax the answer I generate with json_encode() gives me error
This is my ajax code
$.ajax ({
data: {"id": id_category, "type": "add_row_interno"},
type: "POST",
I have a textbox, which receives a data by AJAX.
@Html.TextBox("CantidadPago", string.Format("{0:C}",0), new{@class = "form-control"})
type: 'POST',
url: '@Url.Action("CalcularCantidadPag...
This is the url:
url(r'validar/celda', SGregorio_views.validarcelda, name='validarcelda'),
This is the view to validate:
def validarcelda(request):
error = ''
success = False
if request.method == 'POST':
celda = reques...
I'm using the obj. FormData () to send the different input controls of a form but the problem is that it excludes the input submit that sent the form, of course it does chrome but the other browsers do not. I have several submit s. In the docume...