Questions tagged as 'android-sqlite'


How to save my data that I have stored in SQLITE to remote MYSQL (Volley)?

I'm trying to decipher and the truth is that I'm already very burned and I can not figure out how to store my SQLITE list (cart of articles and prices) in a remote MYSQL database (I'm working with volley); The theme is like this first I retri...
asked by 28.11.2018 / 16:40

Problems with Context in BroadcastReceiver: "Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase openOrCreateDatabase"

I have a problem I think with the context when trying to run a BroadcastReceiver, what I try is to connect to an internal sqlite database and read the data. This through an Alarm that runs repeatedly every x minutes. The code works in MainAct...
asked by 11.09.2018 / 16:24

How can I consult several elements of a database with the same identifier? -SQLite-Android Studio

I want to consult a SQLite database in Android Studio. Having a database of people, which has the fields age and name. What I want is to extract from the database all people who are 19 years old. SQLiteDatabase db = OpenHelper.getReadableData...
asked by 08.05.2018 / 21:08

Error: SQLiteException: no such column: comments (code 1) :, while compiling

I'm trying to access the database in local to get the list of all the plays and I get the error SQLiteException: no such column: comments (code 1) :, while compiling I've been using the debugger and the error jumps just at the moment you try...
asked by 15.11.2017 / 22:24

How can I handle this sqlite error?

I have a class% co_of% parent: public class DB extends SQLiteOpenHelper { private static final int VERSION_BASEDATOS = 1; private static final String NOMBRE_BASEDATOS = "DB.db"; private Context context; public DataExpoAuto(Context context) {...
asked by 27.06.2017 / 22:26

See where sqlite two fields?

How can I make a query sqlite with where with two fields? Something similar to the following code: select * from tabla where cap1=1 and cap2=2; I know that I have to pass on to him, but I do not know how to assemble the whole query....
asked by 18.05.2017 / 00:26

Error to populate listview with cursor and sqlite

I want to populate a listview with information from a sqllite table, but it gives me an error. This is the structure of the project In fragment clients I have the call to the cursor in the following way private class ClienteLoadTask...
asked by 21.04.2017 / 19:29

When going through the second my sqlite table starts from the second android record

Good morning I'm just finishing developing an app in android studio, I just have a problem, I save data in a bd in sqlite, only when I make a select from my table I do it well, but I try to go back to my table but it does from the second reco...
asked by 28.12.2016 / 16:38

how to make an inbox with notifications on android and ios [closed]

good afternoon, thankful in advance for any collaboration. I tell you I have a project divided by states and user roles, my question is: How would a master user of a state / municipality publish something and notify a standard user only of t...
asked by 21.10.2016 / 22:49

E / SQLiteLog: (10) Failed to do file read, got: 0, amt: 4096, last Errno: 2 why is this error due?

Hello I make a database for a project which has foreign keys, when executing an insert I always get these messages but if the insertion of the elements is made without any problem but I would like to know if it can cause problems for me error th...
asked by 12.09.2016 / 18:53