I'm new to this. I am using version 1.6.4 of Angular and I am following a tutorial to implement navigation by routes <script src="bower_components/angular/angular-route.min.js"></script> but apparently this version does not wo...
Good morning,
I am doing this procedure and I have a question, I am passing a series of paramentos to a service, that in the modification I modify those variables that go by parameter, then when entering in the controller, I do not see the ch...
I'm working on an input that can only accept
Letter K (uppercase or lowercase)
middle script (-)
I have the following regular expression /^[Kk0-9-]+$/ to make only these types of data accepted. What I need is that every...
There is some function in angular 1.6 to know the number of records that the json brings, I want to know from my controller, I have used
$scope.count = Object.keys($scope.data).length ; but throws me 2, when my json brings 8 records, also...
I have the following code:
1.- Why use directives ?, in this case it would not be enough to use controller?
2.- Does the controller always have a function with scope?
(function() {
var modulo=angular.module('tnt.ui.com...
What I want to do is show the word approved in green and not approved in red.
my code is:
<div ng-if="data.student_status=='Aprobado'">
<b class="verde" ng-show="{{data.student_status}}"></b>
<div ng-if="d...
My problem is this: I try to implement an online test with angular js, I want to use a .json file to store the variables but the problem is that, I want the .json to be empty and to be filled with the inputs of the page, is that possible?
I have the following:
<td>{{object.valor | number:2}}</td>
<input type="number" ng-model="object2.valor"
ng-init="object2.valor=object.valor" ng-value="object.valor"/>