I am new at AngularJS I have a doubt I am bringing a JSON file in my service and I am consuming it in the controller when I run it in Chrome everything is perfect, but I pass it to Edge or firefox and I have the following error message " Unable...
The issue is that I am creating a website and I need to print a ticket (as they are in the bank to wait) and for this I need it to be direct from the print button of my web app to print to the printer. I've searched everywhere and I can not find...
I have the problem of wanting to enter:
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/5.5.2/firebase.js"></script>
but in an angularjs controller, but I do not know if it is possible.
I have the following code:
var personas = {
{ persona1: { hijos: [1,2,3]}},
{ persona2: { hijos: [2,2,3]}},
{ persona1: { hijos: [1,2,3]}}
<div ng-repeat="(key, hijos) in personas...
I'm doing an app with Angular + Firebase, and I'm stuck on how to get a record and how to look for it by a certain attribute .
When registering a loan with N installments, when registering it, I need to register the N installments with the resp...
The case is this, I'm using this policy AngularJS which is actually a bootstrap plugin made directive.
The directive in question accepts an attribute options that is two-way binding and is within a ng-repeat , something like this:...
I am trying to make a function that applies a certain numeric format to an input. Through an onblur a function that applies to an amount that can be written in the following way "145151,65" can be formatted as follows "145.151,65" Currently on t...
I have the problem of wanting to save an image in the firebase database, I only found on the internet code to save the name of the image and then show it locally, but in my case the page will be hosted on the internet.
$scope.load = function(v...
I have the following script to redirect to the page I want
$location.$$urlUpdatedByLocation = true;
$location.$$absUrl = location.origin+location.pathname+"busqTerceros.html";
In the file busqTerceros.html I have the following: