Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Uncaught error in Ionic 3 and Angular 4

I am preparing a project with ionic and angular and following an example of some tutorials I get the following error    Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: No component factory found for> RegisterPagesPage. Did you add it to @ NgModule.entry...
asked by 07.10.2017 / 09:13

Render HTML in several divs without losing the format

It is possible to render the content of an HTML page in several divs without losing the format / structure of the elements ??? I'm trying to render an HTML content in several containers div (avoiding breaking the format), the...
asked by 06.10.2017 / 21:58

The keyboard disappears and reappears when I change the focus

I have a list and when I delete an item, using the click or tap event, I set the focus on the next item to the deleted item, looking for id and with the focus () function. Then the keyboard disappears and reappears. How can I make this not happe...
asked by 03.10.2017 / 19:15

Icons disappear when I change my view

I have a problem with an icon svg in angular-material , when I load my page the icon loads correctly with the following code: <md-icon md-svg-icon="{{ aaa.stat }}" aria-label="Icons Status"></md-icon> I am making...
asked by 03.10.2017 / 17:45

Modify select in AngularJS + Laravel

You want to change the search engine according to your category, this is the search engine in angular.js + Laravel: <select id="selector-sectores" data-placeholder="+ AÑADIR CATEGORÍA" class="form-control" chosen="categorias" ng-model="c...
asked by 29.09.2017 / 11:58

Implement Check All AngularJS

I'm trying to put in a page that loads a list of results, with a checkbox each, shown with AngularJS, a checkbox that when clicking, check all the checkboxes in the list. For this, I created this checkbox like this: <input title="Marcar tod...
asked by 29.09.2017 / 11:13

Update $ scope with data from a directive

I have the following directive that I have taken from google (to create a chronometer): .directive('cronometro', function () { var stopWatch = function(elem, options, attrs) { var hora = 0; if (attrs.start == 0) {...
asked by 20.09.2017 / 19:17

Load a file from an angular scope function js

I have a type submit button, which uploads the file to its respective httppostfileBase, however I would like to load it without the need to give that button submit if not in another.     
asked by 19.09.2017 / 01:44

Access to html view with or without being logged in Angularjs

In my $ stateProvider I have defined the views of my application in which certain views require that the user is logged in or not. So far, he is working correctly. But the problem I have now is that I have a view which the user must access with...
asked by 18.09.2017 / 19:10

How to show data in a pop-up from a json file

Hi, I have a json file running on a local server with two client tables and bonuses. The json file called clients with primary key id, I have it in a table. I am trying that when you click on the id of the clients table, it shows in a pop-up the...
asked by 18.09.2017 / 17:03