I am starting in php and I occupy shopping cart with sessions, I show the products through the database with a while and in each while there is a button with the id of the product and when I click on the button , calls a function of js where it...
Make a query to my database which gives me the following results:
Note: this query is done with mysqli where obviously in array it is called from a loop while in this way $columna_gastos['costo_gastos']
Good I'm working on a project to manage a 21, where I have to generate a random arrangement that tells me a value
int[] Cartas = new int[5];
then another one that handles me the amount of letters
'int[] CantidadCartas = new int[13];'...
I have this snippet of code to store the following:
var company = {
description: "",
logoPath: "",
logoUrl: ""
var companiesArray = {
length: 0,
addElem: function addElem(elem) {...
Hello to the whole community! I would be very grateful if someone with more experience could give me an orientation on the next topic ... I want to show data from mysql to a highcharts graphic ... But I would like you to show me the data in a ra...
Occupy helps, I have to make a program that fills two arrays with random numbers, then compare sume two numbers of an arrangement and compare them with the sum of the second, and indicate which is the largest number.
The problem is that I do...
I have an array of statistics where I keep the statistics of each level, letter.
ContentValues valors = new ContentValues();
valors.put("user_id", id);
valors.put("letra", "b");
valors.put("jugadas", 0);
I'm trying to insert a byte array by API.
The call is made from a Web (Angularjs + PHP)
The API that receives it is developed in .NET
The problem with which I find myself is the following. We launch a GET request to a URL, along with a...
Hello, I need your valuable help. I ask you about the situation. I have a table with 4 fields, one of which is a checkbox (select field)
Some checkbox fields are already selected by default, and they are messy.
what I need to do is to order at t...
I have the following, I get a Json and I put it back with a For, the intention is to modify some properties in this case the status,
for (var i = 0; i < datos.length; i++) {
if(datos[i].id_expediente === this.id_expediente ){