Questions tagged as 'array'


How to group values of arrays that have the same index value

I have the following array: [0] => Array ( [Contrato] => 0122PS0001251477 [0] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [Rut] => 8035133 [0] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [Nombre] => LUI...
asked by 20.08.2018 / 17:07

java arrays and arrays

I have a problem trying to perform this exercise, I already have the part of the finite series and it runs well, although I do not know if the way I did it is fine, the problem is with part one of the time series and I do not understand how to s...
asked by 18.08.2018 / 04:04

Do not print the array in its corresponding JTextField

The program is simple, you enter a series of numbers (2, 3, 4, 5), and by pressing the Swap Data button, the screen I want to look like this: Arrangement1 (2, 3, 4, 5) Arrangement 2 (5, 4, 3, 2) The case is that it puts it as seen in the i...
asked by 17.08.2018 / 23:53

array with chart.js, javascript

I am using Chart.js with her I show a graph where I will show the amount and transactions of an account that includes that she must have her dates and the transactions that made that date, that is, those variables come in an array, but I do not...
asked by 17.08.2018 / 17:06

I have this error in the execute statement when doing UPDATE: PDOException: SQLSTATE [HY093]: Invalid parameter number:

I come to you because I already exhaust the options. I already checked the answers and none of them answered my problem to see if you see the error ... This is my code: $Clave=$_POST["f_Clave"]; $Cantidad=$_POST["f_Cantidad"]; $Catego...
asked by 03.08.2018 / 20:08

store String in a JavaScript data string

good afternoon I would like to know if you could help me the problem esque I create an array and I empty data from a for but the array of strings does not store them being the integer if having the problem in the SETTLEMENT NOTE pa...
asked by 03.08.2018 / 21:30

how to extract data from a JavaScript array and insert them into a PHP query one by one in different inserts

Good day programmers I have a doubt I would like you to help me with something I have the stored value of quantity that I store it within cantid = []; and then those data with a json I take them to a query in PHP the values that are not fixes ar...
asked by 02.08.2018 / 18:34

Why do I get SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object has not 'tax', in wdsl with nested complextype?

I have to consume a SOAP web services with PHP and I get the title error. The (partial) structure of the wsdl is as follows <xs:element name="Obligations" type="tns:ObligationsType"/> <xs:complexType name="ObligationsType"> <...
asked by 02.08.2018 / 15:23

How do I filter from Edit text to my recycler view, which loads the data from an array list to the card view?

what happens esque I want to make like a search engine from my EditText in the layout view, that shows me a reciclerView with a cardView I want that when writing something, my recycler view shows me the results comparing the data of the Array wi...
asked by 01.08.2018 / 07:38

Take a value from a method

Good Companions, I have a problem. I have the following method: public void repartirPC1() { try { CartasPc1[0] = (int) (Math.random() * 13); CantidadCartas[CartasPc1[0]]--; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBounds...
asked by 26.07.2018 / 04:10