The error is as follows
This is my POST method in the Web Api
// POST api/values
public string Post(Persona persona)
return "response: \"Suscrito\"";
and this is my angular code.
I have my ASP.NET Web Api service where I make a simple login, which I tried with Postman (from Google Chrome) and it returns the data correctly but in Android I get the error back:
private c...
Some idea of how to upload images in a slider with Ajax jQuery making several requests to the Database (I'm going to use the .Net Web API and the requests to the database will be done every 2 minutes) when at the same time from another client ar...
Hi, I have a problem with the service, I have it published in a folder on GoDaddy on a Windows server, but it is not very clear the error, if you could help me, thank you very much.
I am working with ASP.NET WEB Api, and I am using the Token generation, in Internet Explorer I generate the Token chain:
but using any other browser shows me the following error ...
AJAX Code:
function ObtenerToken(user, pass...
Hello wrote a web api in C # to authenticate, using postman sent the parameters and returns the token correctly, I will leave at the end of post the parameters for testing, and searched for a number of code to bring para...
I have exposed a WebAPI developed with C# but when consuming the URL I have the error
HTTP / 1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
How can I fix it?