I have a list linked to another list in this way:
struct lista {
int valor;
lista *prox;
struct multi {
int valor;
multi *prox;
lista *abajo;
void insertarcabmulti(multi **cab, int x) {
In the following code, the second while is never executed, what is the reason?
int main(){
int a,b;
int producto=0;
int cociente=0;
printf ("Escribe primer número.\n");
scanf ("%d", &a);
printf ("Escribe se...
Hi, I have a Problem with the multiplication of matrices, when I want to multiply a 2x2 by a 2x10, it throws me incorrect values. I appreciate the help ...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// constantes que se aplican a matr...
Good day! I have to make a program where 2 matrices are added from a file, but I have no idea how to put the codes together. The image shows what I am asked for and in the second program at the time of execution, it does not matter what numbers...
I have the following exercise:
Only using For - While - If - Switch Case - Vectors - Printf - Scanf - Int - Char
It will work with two vectors, where the length of the vector must be given by the user by keyboard (int longVector). O...
I have to do the following: It is requested by console to enter via the keyboard, the user's name, his ID and his year of birth. A patent must be built, in the style of Argentina AB 123 CD. Where the letters A and B must be the first two vowels...
a question I have a doubt if someone can help me. What would be the prototype of a function that receives as parameter an array of pointers? Thank you very much
I have the .c file with the function I want to invoke
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "entrada_minishell.h"
void imprimir_prompt()
printf("minishell> ");
Hola buenas, would like to know why this little program does not work for me.
I have to: Read the upper triangle of the matrix and print it on the screen.
At the moment I have this, but the problem is that at the time of printing / rea...
I am trying to read and write binary files. I create a matrix in ram memory, then I write it in a binary file.
void escribirMatrizParcialmente(double ***A){
FILE *destino;
int i,j;