I'm having a problem trying to execute a command from VBScript that works correctly from the command line.
From CMD I successfully execute:
ipconfig / all | find / i "DHCP Server"
But from VBScript if I execute the following:...
Someone knows how I can extract images with a script from a folder or path, having an excel list with its respective name, but if I want to extract only 5 because in the script I should have the 5 names and so on without having to extract all or...
I'm starting in laravel but I get the error Could not open input file: I'm in windows, I tried it as administrator, in xampp, but the error continues, in both cases within the laravel folder and nothing.
This is the problem:
set /a var1= %todo% & echo %linea%>>%exename%
set todo= %var1%'
What I want is that %var1% contain all the information above, and then pass it to %todo%
This is mostly that and the &...
In my work I have to enter multiple hosts and execute wmic commands to get information from each computer using PSEXEC from pstool.
An example of the command that I have to enter to connect is the following:
psexec \HOST cmd.exe
This is...
There is some way to create a multi installer programs through chocolatey, create in a file .bat or .cmd where to install install chocolatey and often start installing a list of previously created programs, and install the latest version of each...
Good I have the following question at the time of testing with psexec on my pc this works perfectly but when done with another PC that is in local network I get denied access and search the internet and I can not find a solution, I already deact...
I was recently asked to do a small program in a CMD batch file that would automate the start of Windows programs so that when the computer starts, immediately start the programs. programs that are in the file .bat , the problem is that...
My query is as follows:
I open a .db file from the cdm of sqlite3, with some queries and I want that same code to be executed as a script from the powershell, so I can create an automated process to execute it in certain time of day.
Is th...
WINWORD.EXE /p "C:\Users\Angel\Desktop\hola.docx" /mActiveDocument.PrintOut
I would like to know how I can send a document to print using a macro in Word.
Executed from the CMD or Run (Windows + R)