what would be the lines of code that would have to run as in Kali Linux, as in Ubuntu.
how to know if I have git installed in both Ubuntu and Kali Linux.
I know that the commands are the same in Kali as in Ubuntu, but I have that little doubt...
I followed the official Microsoft documentation to install Dot Net Core on the server , says execute the following commands:
wget -qO- https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.asc.gpg
sudo mv microsoft...
I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
In which I have installed Raspbian via NOOBS in its current version that the date is 2.4.4
I'm following a tutorial on how to configure Django + Ngnix + Gunicorn in the following Link , the drawba...
For some reason my mongodb data base is corrupt (it does not behave as it should "Dup key: {: null}" mongodb error, and I would like to clean it, delete all its data completely. I'm in Debian and I do not know which is the easiest way to do it...
I need a way to see the bd , collections, and MongoDb documents. Since I usually communicate with mongo using mongoose .
I would like to know a direct way from the console to access the characteristics of a bd that y...
I just installed debian on my computer to use it as a server and I have installed php, mysql and phpmyadmin but I do not know how to validate that if I install them well since the interface is by means of commands, so I would like to know what c...
I have a question, in windows I use a command that allows me to locate myself inside a directory and create a text file with all the existing files in the directory in question the command that I used for it is the following
cd /carpeta/ruta_d...
I have an apache server in a vps, and in the / path / apache2 / sites-available folder I have the config of my web page.
How can I do to not have to enter the ip? Do I have to buy a domain?
Ex current: link - > link
good I have a doubt I'm new to php and I need to create a php form and have the data store it in a text document (.txt)
this is the code that I have:
<title>Configuracion Red<...