Questions tagged as 'eclipse'


StringBuilder - The Append method stops working at a certain point

I am working with a small project, graphipedia (It is used to import dumps from wikipedia or some other wiki), and through this I am importing a dump of wikiquotes. This project uses stax internally to parse the xml (that is, the dump) At som...
asked by 29.05.2016 / 20:29

Java executable

I have already converted my Java executable to .exe, but when I run the .exe I log in and I accept, I get the following error:    "This driver is not configured for authentication   integrated ". This is my connection to the sql server da...
asked by 07.03.2017 / 20:23

Problem with eclipse - Debian

happens that I use I am recently testing java, and I installed eclipse on my computer, it is not high performance, I decided to install the plugin to program android apps with eclipse and after finishing the installation of the jdk, when trying...
asked by 22.08.2016 / 05:25

Can there be two onActivityResult in the same Android class?

I have to upload two images (they do not have to be uploaded at the same time) to two ImageView , each one selected separately from the gallery. I managed to get one of them, but I duplicated the data in the two ImageView because of...
asked by 28.07.2017 / 14:56

Problem running .jar in terminal

I'm doing a project in eclipse. At the moment of exporting the program by means of the option RunnableJarfile , it makes all the export, I keep it in my desk and at the moment of wanting to test it in my computer by means of the terminal t...
asked by 17.02.2017 / 16:53

Close a BufferedReader

My question is whether it is strictly mandatory to close a BufferedReader with .close() . I am practicing with reading and writing files and, for example, if a BufferedWriter does not close it with .close() it does...
asked by 19.04.2018 / 15:44

How to make all the complete information come out in a JTable

I would like to know how to do all the complete information in a JTable that I created in a JScrollPane. I created the header with the DefaultTableModel code. Thanks. DefaultTableModel mMedico=new DefaultTableModel(); mMedico.addColumn("...
asked by 19.07.2016 / 20:20

Use Git in local network, with several collaborators

I'm using Photon eclipse and I work on the eGit plugin for version control. Working individually I have no problem, but now I need other collaborators in the local network of the company can also access my repository to collaborate in the develo...
asked by 21.09.2018 / 20:00

Problem with the Connection to BD Postgresql with python

import psycopg2 class BaseDeDatos: def _init_(self): try: self.conexion=psycopg2.connect( "host='localhost' port='5432' dbname='Inversiones' user='postgres' password='xxxxxx'") self.conex...
asked by 18.02.2018 / 04:12

Listview a Textview on android

Developing a mobile app in android-studio I have a ListView and I want to get the event in which when I select an Item from the list I show a certain String in a TextView . For example: Selection in Item A presents...
asked by 26.06.2016 / 16:54