Questions tagged as 'eloquent'


Alias for consultation in two tables with laravel

Is there an abbreviated way to identify the columns of each table by creating the query in this way? $product = Product::with(['order'])->where('user_id','=',\Auth::user()->id)->find($id); For example, specifying something like thi...
asked by 06.08.2017 / 06:24

How to make a join with the user model that brings laravel by default and a model related to it?

In the migration create a table called employees, and this has the fk of the users table that has the default laravel for the logeo. Therefore the table users and employees are related, now what I intend is to obtain the employee data from th...
asked by 05.12.2018 / 11:26

Base Relations Mysql -

I'm a little confused with these relationships. I'm doing a game of questions and answers. In a group | Table | a user makes a publication with a series of questions ((in fact, that user who asks questions can only ask them who made the gr...
asked by 02.12.2018 / 02:52

Share variable in Laravel controller

I am doing an intranet for my work, it is a production control (We are a printing press, the platform is to know in which department each work is at each moment). The platform consists of different phases (departments), jobs, clients and workers...
asked by 11.11.2018 / 16:21

Related Eloquent query

Hello, I'm trying to get the data of a 'client' I have 3 Tables |Cliente|Cliente_servicio|Servicios In the client table, I have a client's data In the Customer_Service table I have the IDcliente, IDservicio, Description in the Serv...
asked by 08.10.2018 / 08:21

Eloquent query does not bring me the record with the specific filter

I have tried to make a query that brings me all the articles that are in Active but I have not got any results. It always brings me all so the state is inactive and is what I do not want. These are the questions I have so far: First que...
asked by 28.09.2018 / 00:37

eloquent query does not bring me records when I make a select

I have the following query in eloquent that shows me the records Usuario::with(['rutas'=> function($query){ $query ->select('rutas.*','puntosDeVenta.id_puntodeventa','puntosDeVenta.codigo') ->join('puntosDeVenta...
asked by 26.09.2018 / 17:11

Get data from an array with facade DB in laravel 5.5

Dear, I have the following query made with laravel $datos = DB::table('mandato') ->join('compromiso_pago','mandato.CP_IdCompromisoPago','=','compromiso_pago.IdCompromisoPago') ->join('unidad_recaudadora','compromiso_pago.UR_IdUnidadRecau...
asked by 06.09.2018 / 00:07

Compare value of a preformatted field with sha1 in eloquent orm

I am sending a URL to the mail of a user who should receive it like this: link Where 23 is the id of a record in a table, which for practical purposes is not desired at this time, so I convert 23 with sha1 () a string .. so that the URL...
asked by 16.07.2018 / 06:07

Pivot table values with laravel

I am using laravel 5.5, I have a Member model and a Team model, I made the belongsToMany relationship correctly. The problem is that in the pivot table of that relationship there are several data that I need to access, for example the fields sea...
asked by 05.03.2018 / 01:58