Questions tagged as 'html'


float the elements to the right in correct order css

I have four elements of a menu the first on the left the other three on the right, but when floating ul li float:right; the elements are positioned in a disorderly manner. [Menu3] [Menu2] [Menu1] But the elements should be di...
asked by 24.08.2016 / 15:54

Share web content in Google+

Does anyone know how I can share content from my website on Google+? The problem is that it is content that is generated dynamically, I would like to do something like what Facebook does, which allows me to customize the title or image among oth...
asked by 17.03.2016 / 22:58

Mask input text javascript

I want to mask an input text with the following format: Aa-1234, where the 2 letters are the acronyms of US states, separated by a hyphen, and the 4 numbers are the 4-digit zip code: how Could I do with javascript?     
asked by 20.07.2016 / 23:54

___ ___ erkimt How hidden an entire column in a table with javascript / jquery? ______ qstntxt ___

I want to show / hide a column of a table using javascript / jquery .

Pressing a button shows or hides the entire column. The name of the column is on TH identified by an id I have achieved this by adding a class to each TD but I do not like this solution, I would like to achieve it without adding so much class attribute.

%pre% %pre%
______ azszpr135702 ___

Without so much code can be fixed by putting 1 button, instead of 2.

Unless it's strictly necessary, I think it's better if you only have one button, that you make %code% that commutes the visibility of the column.

To do this, we select the header with %code% and hide it or show it with %code% .

To hide / show the rows, we can make a small filter like this:


which means: Take the %code% that are your father's third child. The parent is the row %code% and the third child is the %code% in the Country column.

and to them you apply the %code% as well.

With this you save putting the %code% to each element you want to hide.

%pre% %pre%
______ azszpr135706 ___

To hide with %code% , without Jquery, it occurs to me that since you already have a class that identifies you, you can use them to add a class %code% , for example.

%pre% %pre% %pre%

If you also take into account the modification of %code% , you could delete the classes of each %code% and only add a %code% to the table as well as remove a button and have only %code% that works as a %code% , but all only with only %code%

%pre% %pre% %pre%
______ azszpr135708 ___

You can also do the following from CSS:


Or have a class hide in CSS and by means of javascript, add the class:


I want to show / hide a column of a table using javascript / jquery . Pressing a button shows or hides the entire column. The name of the column is on TH identified by an id I have achieved this by adding a class to each TD but I do not...
asked by 02.02.2018 / 12:15

Do diagonal in CSS

I am trying to recreate an image in CSS but I do not get the "diagonal" as shown in the image. Until now I could only superpose the two colors creating 3 div's, the container, the blue and the golden. I enclose my html and css:...
asked by 11.05.2018 / 20:55

How to align right css?

Good I'm doing a design in css, it's practically a circle and inside the circle to enter a number, the bad thing that when I do all the circles I do it down. I would like you to place as the last bone image on the side Here is the code in css...
asked by 25.05.2018 / 07:27

Change the hour format to 24 in HTML

How can I change the format of input type="time" to 24 hours? I searched for the HTML5 tags but there is no one that I need.     
asked by 16.03.2017 / 16:08

How to format Chilean Rut with points and script when entering it in the input

When entering a routine it is validated, but I would like to format it so that when it is entered it will be in the format 1.234.567-8 or 12.345.678-9 I have tried this way: function validaRut(rut){ var suma=0;...
asked by 03.07.2017 / 15:20

How to filter that the name of a file does not exceed a character length in the browser or in PHP?

I want to save the name of a PDF file in a column of a database. The name of the column is nombre_pdf with a varchar(50) and the problem I have is that if the nombre_pdf exceeds the limit of 50 characters, the whole name wil...
asked by 31.05.2017 / 19:40

Get values from a table row x row - jQuery

How can I go through the rows of an HTML table and get the values with a button? I have the example of a table that gives me the specific value of a cell when I click on the row, but what I need is that when I click on an ok button I get the...
asked by 04.11.2016 / 20:05