I have this table in the database:
Tabla de Ejemplo:
id - registro - valor
1 - compras - 1,2,6
2 - ventas - 3,4
3 - deudas - 5
I want to make a query where I send only the number 3 and bring me the record 2 in this exampl...
How about, I'm trying to add an html file to a div
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<div> <!-- este div donde agregare un html-->
I would like if someone could explain to me very easily what are the differences between these 'selectors' since I am struggling to understand them!
Especially among the querys and the get element.
Thank you very much!
Good, I've been changing the pointer for other styles like "wait", "crooshair", etc. However I am unable to change the cursor for any image I have on the pc.
<script src="DH18.js"></script>
The content of column 2 comes out of the box in a certain width of the browser. How could I avoid this?
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0-beta/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
I understand that the fact of using a meta-description does not mean that Google is going to use that, you may consider that another portion of the text is more important. The fact is that in the code I have defined that the meta-description is...
Good morning, today I come with a small problem that is this
echo $consulta;
to which he replies with:
SELECT SUM(carrito_cant) as cantidad FROM carrito_tb WHERE carrito_folio='3041M�Ra' and carrito_NP='NA';
Devido to the character or...
I am looking for a way to scroll towards an element with a smooth animation. For this I have helped with this site .
function scroll() {
const a = document.getElementById("p");
behavior: "smooth...
Why does it work when the Padre has opacity: 1 and the Hijo-1 have opacity: 0 and NO when the Padre has opacity: 0 and Son-1 has opacity: 1 ?
The following code:
.Caja {
width: 100px;...