Questions tagged as 'ionic'


How to reload an iframe when a button is pressed on Ionic

I want an iframe with a url to reload when a lower tabs menu is pressed in ionic, how would it be done? home.html <ion-content padding> <iframe id="homei" src="" frameborder=0 style="width: 100%; height: 10...
asked by 07.11.2018 / 09:27

background does not work and neither does error

Good day I have a function that runs in the constructor and I activate it with background: enviarDatingos(nMinuto){ //let nDuracion = 1000*60*nMinuto; let nDuracion = 1000*nMinuto; //console.log(this.backgroundMode.enable());...
asked by 07.11.2018 / 14:17

Character Counter with TypesScript

I'm new here. I'm interested to know if anyone knows how to make a character counter in a textarea with typescript. Since I do not do in JavaScript and with Php. But now I'm using ionic 4, Angular 6 and TypeScript. Thanks in advance for the supp...
asked by 30.10.2018 / 15:09

Application with Ionic 3, digital signature

A help. Does anyone know how to make a digital signature with IONIC 3 ?, Some bookstore that recommends me to look for it. (basically it would be to write and capture the image, perhaps a library to write on the screen)     
asked by 29.10.2018 / 17:38

How to implement a call APP using sip.js and cordova-plugin-iosrtc against a FreeSwitch PBX?

I need your help! Urgent !! I am developing a hybrid app with Ionic JS / AngularJS based on webrtc to make calls / video calls. The application uses the sip.js library for calls. The server part is a FreeSwitch PBX. To have in IOS WebRtc, we...
asked by 23.10.2018 / 14:14

A web page in a mobile app

someone could tell me if it is possible to convert a certain section of a page in wordpress into an app, the design would be done with phonegap and framework7. I only want 3 specific pages to be visualized from the app, the rest of the page d...
asked by 18.10.2018 / 10:27

php error when performing save typescript

I'm trying to save the "client" table but it does not ask me the question, it shows me the error "runtime error unexpected token < in json at position 0. The login if I do it correctly, but the save I can not perform.    // CREANDO MI CONEX...
asked by 08.10.2018 / 00:59

Signing certificate "XXX", serial number "XXX", is not valid for code signing

I was recently given a code in ionic to fix some bugs. The problem is to upload the application to the appstore. In Xcode in Signing (Debug) and in Signing (Release) I get the following error:    Signing certificate "XXX", serial number "XXX"...
asked by 27.09.2018 / 03:28

filter with angular search bar

I am trying to do a search with a bar, in which the names of all the clients that are registered in the bd appear. From a php file I made the query. This is my code ts: userData:any={"accion":"consultaclientes"}; initializeItems() { t...
asked by 26.09.2018 / 05:43

Ionic compilation error: ": app: transformDexWithDexForRelease"

After updating the Ionic verdict, I get the following error when compiling with the command: ionic cordova build --release android    npm: v6.4.1       Node: v8.11.3       Ionic: v4.1.2 The error he gives me is this: FAILURE...
asked by 24.09.2018 / 14:59