I try to compile my project but I get these types of errors
"Error: (2) Attribute" titleTextStyle "has already been defined"
this is my gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.android.support:multidex:1.0.0'
compile project(':library')
I am faced with a problem creating the CRUD for a Java object in Firebase, in the documentation there is no section on it.
Assuming the CRUD is about User.java :
public class User {
private int birthYear;
private String fullN...
I just installed Android Studio , and you're giving me this error all the time:
Failed to resolve: com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core:2.2.2
Failed to resolve: com.android.support: appcompat-v7:26
Any suggestions as to w...
I have a Java method where I sometimes need to use a numeric value, but sometimes I do not.
In PHP there is something called Default argument values , where you can do something like that ( example from the same PHP manual ):
I am doing a query to a table in the SQL database, the problem is, I have to consult the data in real time, therefore I have created a task every 1 second, but it turns out that the RAM memory increases until that is full.
public void sent...
I have a Spinner and as data these hours:
final String[] horasInicio = new String[] {
Hi, I'm working with Genexus Salto and I have an application already in production that I developed last year with GxEvo3 update 3. It's somewhat complex, it has mobile integration, GAM, among some other things.
What happens is that I changed a...