I have a functionality so that when you want to delete a Patient by clicking on delete, ask if you really want to delete it or not.
It shows the question, but when I give it to cancel it erases it to me equally and if I give it to accept it...
I have the following code and IE11 does not work
var tipo = {datos:[
{id:'',color:'#F9F9F9',icon:' ',name:'system'},
{id:'20',color:'#a7c5e8',icon:' ',name:'company'},
Currently I have the following function where I get certain values.
$('#listado-sucursales').on('change', '.sucursal_correo', function (e) {
console.log("Obteniendo sucursal");
let sucursal_correos = $(this).closest('.tr_correos');...
I'm doing a catalog of kardex of the employee where I have 2 instances of the datatables plugin jquery :
The first request is done correctly but the second one sends an error ajax canceled .
I am not very clear why this error is...
Create 2 functions that are validating an input so that only letters are not written, the problem is that I do not know why the code I am putting is not running, here I leave it.
<!DOCTYPE html>
I have the following problem
I need to do an if that compares if a word is inside a string separated by spaces, and that is not sensitive to mayus / minus.
var name = "Lupa 163";
if (name == 'lupa'){
console.log("Es verdad"...
I can not understand why I get the error I mention in the title "index.php: 111 Uncaught ReferenceError: slider1 is not defined
at onload "
If someone very kind could help me,
function uhrzeit(anzeige) {
Heute = new Date();...
Cordial Greeting.
I tell you what I want to do:
I have an input that captures a value: example: 500,000
I capture that input with Js, and I want to remove the comma to make some calculations.
How can I do it?
var TotalDe...