I have created a helper with a proper function to hash the password (named CustomHash) and it registers well but does not log in, following a tutorial of similar questions I did the following:
Create a folder libraries = > App \ libraries...
is the first time I try to make a page implementing paypal and it is giving me problems, I use Laravel too.
This is the function that gives me the error
private $_api_context;
public function __construct()
// setup PayPa...
Trying to make the user registration generates the error "Class Blog \ Http \ Requests does not exist"
Here my UserController
namespace Blog\Http\Controllers;
use Blog\Http\Requests;
use Blog\Http\Requests\CrearUsuarioRequest...
I am implementing a laravel project in IIS 8 Windows Server 2012. But I have problems for the routes to work. I can see the index but when I want to access a view it returns error 404. Has anyone had any experience doing this?
I want my application to go through an authentication verification, but I can not do it.
In the routes.php file:
Route::group(['middleware'=>'web'], function(){
Route::get('/', 'Auth\LoginController@index');
I have tried with the following:
With the 3 I get the same error:
Update 1:
Now throw...
How can I do the php numberformat in laravel for a text type input two decimals?
I have a module to edit, which works very well, I show the controller and the view below.
public function edit(Request $request, $id)
In my Deegre model I have a method fullName () that returns string
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Deegre extends Model
public function fullName(){
$level = [
"1" => "Primer ",...
I have a table within which when I select all the items I want to remove all the items from the city column and then take the number of cars per city something like this
And the html code I have is the following:
<script src="ht...