Questions tagged as 'laravel'


Change php path in Composer

Good morning, colleagues! I am starting in Laravel and after some problems with MAMP I preferred not to work with him and I went for XAMPP. During the installation of Composer I gave him the MAMP php route and would like to redirect to the...
asked by 16.10.2018 / 14:35

Problem with route show function LARAVEL

After a lot of searching for google and not finding a solution to my problem, I decided to ask the wisdom of the internet: These are my routes: Route::get('/customers', 'CustomerController@index') ->name('customerIndex'); Route::get('/...
asked by 16.10.2018 / 17:09

Show buttons

I have a table in which it is filled with a foreach and in a column it shows buttons to delete or edit that row @foreach($clock as $r) <tr class="text-center {{ ($r->hours > 480) ? 'bg-warning-soft' : '' }} {{ ($r->hour...
asked by 12.10.2018 / 21:50

I want to read a .dat file with laravel and I can not find how

I would like to know if you know how to read a .dat file or transform it to excel at least, to pass it to a mysql database     
asked by 17.10.2018 / 17:56

How to correct not 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', Laravel and AngularJS?

I am making a form to create users, in this form I send a photo of the user. I have made the method in Laravel and to test the route for the creation of user and with image in postman does not generate any problem to me, the registry is created...
asked by 15.10.2018 / 02:07

Update a record in mongodb Laravel Jenssegers?

Hi, thanks for helping me. I have the following problem. I need to update a json that has the following structure. "Configuracion": { "Estados": { "Idioma": "es", "ComponenteActual": "datos-personales_2", "ProgresoDeBarra": {...
asked by 15.10.2018 / 04:15

Create field Select in the default form of laravel for user registration

I am trying to modify the RegisterController by default of laravel and one of the fields of the form that I am going to use is of type select. but I can not send the data array to the view to show the drop-down menu of the select. this is...
asked by 15.10.2018 / 01:45

How to install Laravel, Wordpress, Composer, Postgres, Msql, Apache Tomcat, Sublimetext or other tools

As I learned new development tools, I saw myself in the situation where I changed equipment and had to install all the tools I used again and for a matter of remembering all the commands. Find a way to register it. The best way was using a ba...
asked by 13.10.2018 / 05:30

ERROR TO USE: php artisan migrate

I have an error executing the "php artisan migrate" command. Already create the database in the phpMyAdmin of XAMPP, it obviously does not have tables created. The error that I get in the terminal is: Try "php artisan cache: clear...
asked by 11.10.2018 / 00:54

laravel 5.5 doubt when displaying object or array in view

I'm new at laravel 5.5 (just a few weeks) I have a question and it all starts with an sql query inside the InstitucionController ... public function show($id) { $caso_estudio = CasoEstudio::find($id); $institucion = Institucion::fin...
asked by 11.10.2018 / 00:15