this is the controller,
public function index()
//$files = File::all();
//return view('file/create', compact(''));
$paises = DB::table('clientes')->pluck("nombre","id")->all();
return view('file/creat...
This is the view that carries the data, the file and the name but when it reaches the controller it only sends the file
<input type="file" name="link" required="required">
<textarea type="text" rows="50" hidden="hidden" id="text...
I have a question, I searched Google and I can not find a convincing answer, I have a VPS, the Nginx server is already configured, I was able to start a page with Laravel and I could access it from the internet using a domain, the problem is in...
Someone knows some more complete documentation of Export Excel 3.1 I want to join cells for the name of my report and give them a style until now I just manage to put the header.
public function headings(): array
return [...
I managed to make him make the command to look up the data of a table, but he does not show them in the datatable, I do not know why. Does the query, but does not show it.
I already asked this question 2 times, and nobody even tells you. I do...
please could you guide me how to show the roles of the users. I have in the controller
public function index()
$usuarios = User::all();
$listaroles = User::with('roles')->get();
return response()->json(['datausers' => $usuari...
another question with laravel.
How could I make the table editable using jquery? I'll do it to dry, but as laravel makes it different, I'd like to know how.
This is what I have so far:
home.blade (The view)
<form method="get" actio...
I'm working on my first Laravel project and wanting to generalize a bit the views I'll get over the next mistake I do not understand.
Create my composer class:
namespace App\Http\Composers;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
I'm starting in laravel but I get the error Could not open input file: I'm in windows, I tried it as administrator, in xampp, but the error continues, in both cases within the laravel folder and nothing.
I'm a bit new to Laravel, I have this query in sql and I want to move to laravel
Select users_groups.Name
FROM tm_employee
INNER JOIN users ON tm_employee.UserId =
INNER JOIN users_groups ON users.groupId =
WHERE tm_em...